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Custom Callouts

Bernardo Pires edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 1 revision

MagicUser Callouts

Gallery Callouts

Gallery Callouts

> [!g- + color] Callout Title

> [!g- + color|number of columns] Callout Title

Colors: white, black, gray

Number of columns: 1 - 5

Gallery Callouts - gif

  • Create image galleries. You can quickly organize and display your images in columns (1 to 5 columns).

  • Gallery callouts in reading mode are interactive. Clicking and holding any image thumbnail within a gallery callout triggers a lightbox effect. This immerses you in the image by gently dimming the background, allowing you to appreciate its details without distractions.

  • Number of columns: The default callout option is 3 columns, if you don't add |number of columns. You can quickly change image gallery display by changing this number (1 - 5 columns).


White background color - default (3 columns)

> [!g-white] Your Callout Title
> Place image 1 link (image 1)
> Place image 2 link (image 2)
> Place image n link (image n)

Gray background color - 5 columns

> [!g-gray|5] Your Callout Title
> Place image 1 link (image 1)
> Place image 2 link (image 2)
> Place image n link (image n)

Media Callouts

> [!m- + color] Callout Title

Colors: white, black, gray

Media Callouts

Table Callouts

Table Callouts

> [!table]

You can add a table inside the table callout and adjust the table size/width according to the page.

> [!table + |30% - 100%] (percentage of the page occupied by the table)

  • Values: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%.
  • You can also center the table (just add center after the percentage).
  • Don't forget to leave an empty line before inserting the table.

Check it out the examples below.

Default Table Callout

> [!table] Table 1
> | Column 1  | Column 2 |  Column 3 |
> | :---:     | :---:    |  :---:    |
> | Text 1    | Text 2   | Text 3    |
> | Text 4    | Text 5   | Text 6    |
> | Text 7    | Text 8   | Text 9    |

Table 70%

> [!table|70%] Table 1
> | Column 1  | Column 2 |  Column 3 |
> | :---:     | :---:    |  :---:    |
> | Text 1    | Text 2   | Text 3    |
> | Text 4    | Text 5   | Text 6    |
> | Text 7    | Text 8   | Text 9    |

Table 50% width and centered

  • add percentage center
> [!table|50% center] Table 1
> | Column 1  | Column 2 |  Column 3 |
> | :---:     | :---:    |  :---:    |
> | Text 1    | Text 2   | Text 3    |
> | Text 4    | Text 5   | Text 6    |
> | Text 7    | Text 8   | Text 9    |

Highlighter Callouts

> [!hl- + color] Your Callout Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Highlighter Callouts

Pen Callouts

> [!p- + color] Your Callout Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Pen Callouts

Quote Callouts

> [!q- + color] Quote

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Callouts - quote

Box Callouts

> [!b- + color] Your Callout Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Callouts - box callouts

Untitled Box Callouts

> [!ub- + color]

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Callouts - Untitled box callouts

Line Callouts

> [!l- + color] Your Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Line Callouts

Center the content by adding |center as shown below:

> [l-+ color|center] Your callout title

To align right, use |right.

Line Box Callouts

> [!lb- + color] Your Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Line Box Callouts

Callout Headings (H1 - H6)

> [!h1 to h6- + color] Your Title

Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple

Additional Callout Headings

Center the callout heading by adding |center as shown below:

> [h1 to h6- + color|center] Your callout title

To align right, use |right.

Specific Callouts

Additional Callouts

Additional Callouts

> [!video]

> [!mic]

> [!clip] or > [!paperclip]

> [!book]

> [!comment]

> [!target]

> [!pro] or > [!pros]

> [!con] or > [!cons]

> [!link] or > [!links]

> [!magic]

Resize Callouts

Resize Callouts

  • All callouts can be resized. You can use the same syntax as table callouts in other callouts to resize them on screen (also center them).

> [!callout-name|percentage] or

> [!callout-name|percentage center]

> [!question|80% center] Your callout title
> Your callout content
  • Values: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%.
  • You can also center the callout (just add center after the percentage)