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Install bacnet

drbecavin edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 5 revisions

Download Java and Eclipse

First you need to have at least Java 1.8 JDK installed on your desktop.

Eclipse should be downloaded here : In the installer select directly Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers

Setting up Eclipse RAP environment

We will now create a new workspace and install the Target Platform to be able to develop Eclipse RAP websites.

  • Create a new workspace named : workspaceRAP

  • In the welcome page, select Overview, and click on Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) tutorial. This will bring you through the different steps to install RAP Target Platform image1

  • Install the latest stable RAP Target Platform

  • You need to install Eclipse e4 RAP target platform. Go in Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform. You should see your installed RAP target platform.


  • Click on Edit > Add > Software site and add Eclipse e4.

For RAP 3.5, you can add Eclipse RAP e4 Runtime 3.5 -

  • Validate. You should have now a full Eclipse e4 RAP target platform which should look like that:


  • Finally, Eclipse community provides many tools to help you develop softwares. Go to Help > Install New Software...
  • In the Eclipse update site (i.e. Photon - go in the category Web, XML, JavaEE and OSGi Entreprise Development and select: 1. Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Tools 2. WAR Products (Incubation) 3. Eclipse Web Developer Tools, including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, and more.
  • Install these plugins
  • You are all set to develop Eclipse e4 RAP websites

Import of BACNET

  • Git clone BACNET on your computer :
  • Import all projects in your workspace by clicking on File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace
  • Choose the git folder in the root directory
  • Select BACNET plugins for RAP development = all except eclipse.e4.rcp


  • Click on Finish
  • You should have all BACNET plugins installed. Check that you have no Errors in the Problems windows.


  • You are ready to proceed and start developing your own multi-omics website

[Develop your first multi-omics website](First-Step/Develop your first multi omics website)

You can also do some reading about eclipse RAP and RCP (desktop version) architecture

[Eclipse RAP and RCP architecture](First-Step/Eclipse rap and rcp architecture)