A program to download and store auctions from the World of Warcraft API
This project is an attempt at creating a local snapshot of the ingame Auction house on a World of Warcraft realm. The snapshot data can then be used to visualize trends in the virtual economy or be used for statistical analysis.
Request all active auctions on a realm for all three factions.
Download and parse the JSON file containing auction data from the WoW API.
Save the data in a PostgreSQL database.
Store ended auctions in an archive.
Resolve item id numbers to actual item names and item info, such as stats etc.
Store item info in a local cache for faster lookup.
This program requires on the following Ruby gems: Sequel sequel_pg pg Yajl
To install run:
gem install sequel sequel_pg yajl-ruby pg
Edit settings.yaml to contain the realms you want to monitor. The following is an example of a working configration.
- realm: argent-dawn
region: eu
locale: en_GB
- realm: alakir
region: eu
locale: en_GB
Valid WoW api regions are:
us : US
eu : Europe
kr : Korea : untested, but should work
tw : Taiwan : untested, but should work
Locales and regions:
Region Host Available Locales
US https://us.api.battle.net/ en_US
Europe https://eu.api.battle.net/ en_GB
Korea https://kr.api.battle.net/ ko_KR
Taiwan https://tw.api.battle.net/ zh_TW
China https://www.battlenet.com.cn/ zh_CN
Realm names need to be spelled a bit different than usual. An example of that is argent-dawn, which is normally spelled Argent Dawn. I cannot provide a full list of valid realm names, however you can find the name of your realm through the WoW api.
To find the api name of your realm, go to:
... and search for your realm. Look for the "slug": tag.
Say I want to find out the api name of a european realm called: Argent Dawn. First I go to the following URL in my browser.
In the list, I search for argent dawn and find this:
..."status":false,"name":"Argent Dawn","slug":"argent-dawn"...
To make Colliage download data from Argent Dawn, I will have to insert "argent-dawn" as realm and eu as region into settings.yaml.
Run the main program “Colligate.rb” and add your battle.net api key as a launch parameter.
ruby Colligate.rb [you-api-key]