Data Driven Threat Hunting on the RaspberryPi
Using the instructions below and pre-configured config files/scripts provided, you can setup a Raspberry Pi to collect full-packet captures on your network then index, normalize, and search through your data to find anamolies. All the data and tools needed to deep dive into any irregularity or weird activity is ready to go! A good threat hunting device has both GUI tools and multiple Living off the Land (LOL) tools.
Average system mem usage is 6.40GB
Hardware/Software list:
- Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB
- Micro SD Card 32 GB (64 GB Recommended)
- BalenaEtcher
- RaspberryPi OS Lite 64-Bit
- Ethernet Cable (2x)
- USB 3.0 Ethernet Adaptor
- Switch with Port Mirroring capabilities
- External Harddrive (1 TB Recommended)
In order to get Raspberry Pi OS ready there are some changes we need to make:
- After using BalenaEtcher to image the Micro SD Card, reconnect the SD card to your computer. Then create a blank file and name it ssh. This will enable ssh on boot and we can connect to the Pi via Headless mode.
- Get your Network IP information and choose a static IP for both ethernet interfaces for the Pi.
- Setup port mirroring on the switch to mirror all traffic on the port you are using for the built in ethernet connection on the RaspberryPi
- Plug the External HDD (HDD) into the RaspberryPi. Run the following commands to configure the HDD:
$ lsblk
## make note of the HDD location in /dev directory
$ gdisk /dev/<device>
$ mkfs.ext4 -L piHunter-xs /dev/<device>
$ mkswap -L SWAP /dev/<device>
$ blkid
## make note of the partition ids
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
## add the following lines to fstab
UUID=<device id> /hunt-xs ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=<device id> swap swap
$ sudo swapon -a
$ sudo mount -a
- Next clone the Git repo and run the first script
- You will use the network information you gathered before here
- Use you USB-Ethernet interface for the static IP
$ git clong
$ cd piHunter
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo su
# ./
Reboot the system!
Login as the new user: hunter
Default username:password is hunter:pihunter (make changes if desiered)
$ sudo userdel -r pi
$ cd /home/hunter
$ git clong
$ cd piHunter
$ vi suricata.yml.original
## ^^ edit the HOME_NET variable to match your IP space
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo su
# ./
$ cd /home/hunter
$ sudo chmod +x
$ sudo su
# ./
Logout then Login for hunter to get docker permissions
$ sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=600000
$ cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count # to verify
$ docker pull
$ docker pull
$ docker network create huntnet
## create mount point for storgae
$ sudo mkdir -p /hunt-xs/elastic/es-logs
$ sudo mkdir -p /hunt-xs/elastic/es-data
$ sudo mkdir -p /hunt-xs/elastic/kb-logs
$ sudo mkdir -p /hunt-xs/elastic/kb-data
$ sudo chown hunter:hunter -R /hunt-xs/elastic
$ sudo chmod 777 -R /hunt-xs/elastic
## start es container
$ docker run -d --name elasticsearch --net huntnet -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -v /hunt-xs/elastic/es-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -v /hunt-xs/elastic/es-logs:/usr/share/elasticsearch/logs -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "" -e "" -e ""
## setup es passwords
$ docker exec -it elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto -b > elastic.passwd
$ cat elastic.passwd
## copy your kibana_system password and enter into command below
$ docker run -d --name kibana --net huntnet -p 5601:5601 -v /hunt-xs/elastic/kb-data:/usr/share/kibana/data -v /hunt-xs/elastic/kb-logs:/var/log -e "ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://elasticsearch:9200" -e "ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200" -e "" -e "ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME=kibana_system" -e "ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=<passwd>" -e ""
## wait 1 - 2 minutes
$ docker stop kibana
$ docker stop elasticsearch
change following in config.ini:
$ sudo vi config.ini.original
pcapDir = /hunt-xs/arkime/raw
maxFileSizeG = 1 (Or any max file size of your choice)
freeSpaceG = 15%
Arkime install will take up to an hour
$ sudo su
# chmod +x
# ./ <elasticpassword>
Default user and password for Arkime is hunter:pihunter
For Geo Location on IPs Follow instructions @
$ sudo cp /etc/GeoIP.conf /etc/GeoIP.conf.original
$ sudo mv /path/to/new/GeoIP.conf /etc/GeoIP.conf
$ sudo geoipupdate
$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./filebeat-7.13.1-arm64.deb
Make the edits to the filebeat.yml.original file
Edit the Kibana section:
uncomment line 151
add the following lines below host
username: "elastic"
password: "password"
Edit the Elasticsearch Output:
uncomment lines 185 and 186
enter the elastic password in line 186
Move updated yml file
$ sudo cp filebeat.yml.original /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
Zeek filebeat setup
$ sudo filebeat modules enable zeek
$ sudo cp zeek.yml /etc/filebeat/modules.d/zeek.yml
Suricata filebeat setup
$ sudo filebeat modules enable suricata
$ sudo cp suricata.filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/modules.d/suricata.yml
Finish Filebeat Setup
$ sudo filebeat setup
$ sudo filebeat -e
## CTRL+C after the output stops
$ sudo su
# chmod +x
# mv /home/hunter
# echo "@reboot sleep 15 && /home/hunter/" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
# echo "*/5 * * * * /hunt-xs/zeek/bin/zeekctl cron" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
Default log output goes to hunter home folder. To change, edit variable at top of startup script for log locaiton and name
$ sudo reboot
- Wait for piHunter to reboot
- SSH into piHunter
$ tail -f boot.log
- Watch the log and look for any errors
- If all services startup properly login to ElasticStack and Arkime
- Verify data is coming in by going to http://your-static-IP:5601 and http://your-static-IP:8005
- Start hunting!