This is the website for EST603 Energy Systems Analysis 2022 Fall. I will share the slides, homework, and source files here.
This class benefits from many similar classes and I cannot credit them enough below:
John Helveston, EMSE 4572: Exploratory Data Analysis @ GWU
Tom Brown, Energy Systems
Michael Davidson and Jesse Jenkins, Power systems optimization
Daniel Kammen, Energy and Society
Duncan Callaway, Electric Power Systems
Severin Borenstein, Energy and Environmental Markets
Jon Koomey, Turning Numbers into Knowledge: Mastering the Art of Problem Solving
Scott Moura, Energy System and Control
Baosen Zhang, Introduction to Energy Systems
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Please feel free to link my site and this course site to use any organized material. Copyrights belong to cited authors/creators. Example language to use:
This course/class benefits from the Energy Systems Analysis class material developed by Dr. Gang He.
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