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A script for Termux that makes it possible to host a Minecraft server via your Android phone.
This script requires Termux (Updated F-Droid Version) Download: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.termux/
Install and start the Launcher for the FIRST time Copy paste this into Termux
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/drmatoi/minecraft
cd minecraft
chmod +x START.sh
- This is the fastest way!
Open it with:
cd minecraft
chmod +x START.sh
Appearance of the launcher (may vary with new updates)
IP Adress of Server? - the IP addres of the device you use
(Warning) Change the IP to "STATIC" to prevent the ip from changing
The launcher (1.15.2) will redirect you directly to a website where you can see everything you need to know, but check before launching otherwise the launch will be aborted!
You can also check it here https://www.dein-ip-check.de
Only works if the server is online.Other commands can be entered via the Termux terminal, just like with any normal server.
EASY WAY - You can config the Server via. FTP Client.
Server : sftp:// (YOUR IP ADRESS)
Username: does not matter- example: drmatoi
password: Password you set while launching the Server)
PORT: 8022 ( The standart port to connect with android)
As long as the server is online you can connect!
The amount of RAM you have depends on which command you launch with, you will see the available options when starting
12 GB RAM -
Warning - I recommend using a maximum of half of the device's total RAM (Example: Device-8GB RAM = Server-4GB RAM)
Termux and possibly the Android device will crash if you use to much RAM
In the new 4.0.0, you have three versions to choose from. I plan to add even more options in the future!
A NEW world is created for EACH version you use. These worlds can be played with different RAM settings, but not on other versions.
The server is online as long as: The device on which it is running is connected to the Internet, there is enough memory and RAM, Termux is open and the script is not terminated.
- Adding a general menu that allows you to choose between 3 Minecraft versions
- adding version 1.16.5 and 1.19.2
- new START.sh file which is used for the launch
- removing ABOUT because it is unnecessary
- Adding a direct link to the option to access my Telegram account for questions
- removing SERVER UP-TIME because it is unnecessary
- Remove alwaysonline.sh because the script is now included in the launcher
- this script only works with Minecraft version 1.15.2
- remove EXIT because it also works easier with the command "stop"
rm -rf minecraft
git clone https://github.com/drmatoi/minecraft
cd minecraft
chmod +x launcher.sh
Thanks for using my skript!
If you want to support me, star this post and share it!
Problems ore ideas ? Contact me! m4t01@proton.me or t.me/drmatoi
Your DEV. DrMatoi :D