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BlackHouse Domo Control

Author info

Roberto Salgado (DRoBeR). 📧 Contact me through Github if needed.

Source code

Get code from BlackHouse Github Source pull requests are welcomed. 😄

Docker Images

Get images at BlackHouse Images from Docker Hub pull requests are welcomed. 😄


The main service is a container which will contact every device in the net. One must run a container on every node that want to use as switch/push button device

Switch Device Support

GPIO pins (any Raspberry Pi)

Mainly tested in Raspberry Pi Zero W

TP-Link HS100

Currently the only non-GPIO device supported. It's cheap (I got a few for 20€ each) and easy to handle. Plus there are some nice python libraries to use it.


Configuration files


There is an example of device configuration written in YAML (and JSON)

Panel Users

Use users.json file must be in container's /app/etc/ folder to list valid panel users.

WARNING: if no users.json found in configuration folder, user admin will be created using the first password requested.

Telegram bot (optional)

Bot token

Telegram bots require a token to authenticate. Talk to @BotFather to create your bot at get your token

Docker Secret

Telegram Bot Token can be retrieved from docker secret called telegram_token

token file

File in data volume must contain /app/etc/.telegram_token to authenticate your Telegram bot. Check source code for examples.

Telegram users config

Telegram valid users must be set on /app/etc/users.json. Check source code for examples.

Controller / Frontend

The main service is a container which will contact every device in the net. One must run a container on every node that want to use as switch/push button device image


HTTP will listen at 5000 port. HTTPS will listen at 5001 port. It will only listen in one of them. Depending on if it can find or not the SSL certificates in container's /app/etc/ssl folder

Running as a simple container

Example of running the controller in a Raspberry Pi 3

docker run -d -ti \
  -v /app/etc:/app/etc \
  --cap-add SYS_RAWIO --device /dev/mem \
  -e BH_SERVICE_TYPE=push \
  -p 5000:5000 -p 5001:5001 \

Deploying controller in a Docker Stack (swarm)

Stack example. It uses a secret for the Telegram Bot, which is optional.

version: '3.1'
    image: drober/blackhouse:v1_pi3
      - 5000:5000
      - 5001:5001
      - /app/etc:/app/etc
      - blackhousenet
      - telegram_token
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
        constraints: [ node.role == manager ]
      es.blackhouse.description: "Blackhouse Domotica"
      es.blackhouse.awesome: ""
    driver: overlay
    external: true

Switch Device


HTTP will listen at 5002 port. HTTPS will listen at 5003 port. It will only listen in one of them. Depending on if it can find or not the SSL certificates in container's /app/etc/ssl folder

Running as simple container

Example to run on a device name as gate which is a push device and is running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W

docker run -d -ti \
  --name blackhouse_switch_gate \
  -v /app/etc:/app/etc \
  --cap-add SYS_RAWIO --device /dev/mem \
  -e BH_SERVICE_TYPE=push \
  -p 5002:5002 -p 5003:5003 \