IPL Trivia Game. Built with OpenAI Functions and Kaggle IPL Dataset.
This is an open-source AI trivia game that uses OpenAI Functions and the Kaggle IPL dataset to generate trivia questions for users.
You can deploy your own version of the trivia game.
Backend code: https://github.com/droid-mohit/drd-trivia-backend Frontend code: https://github.com/droid-mohit/IPLQuizApp/ Process we followed: https://notes.drdroid.io/create-a-trivia-game-about-a-random-topic-in-2-hours
To set up the game locally, you'll need to set up the following environment variables:
– your OpenAI_API key (you can get one here)
Note: The openai_key variable you might see in code is non-functional and you need to put one in env variables.
The quiz is built on the following stack:
- OpenAI Function Calling
- Kaggle Dataset — IPL 2023
- Code Stack: ReactJS, Python
- Infra Stack: Docker Compose + AWS EC2 + gunicorn (nightmare to deploy full stack application as a side project)