SQLAlchemy Adapter is the Pony ORM adapter for PyCasbin. With this library, Casbin can load a policy from Pony ORM supported databases or save a policy to it.
Based on Officially Supported Databases, The current supported databases are:
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Oracle
- CockroachDB
pip install casbin_pony_adapter
import casbin_pony_adapter
import casbin
from pony.orm import Database
adapter = casbin_pony_adapter.Adapter(Database('sqlite', ':memory:'))
e = casbin.Enforcer('path/to/model.conf', adapter)
sub = "alice" # the user that wants to access a resource.
obj = "data1" # the resource that is going to be accessed.
act = "read" # the operation that the user performs on the resource.
if e.enforce(sub, obj, act):
# permit alice to read data1casbin_sqlalchemy_adapter
# deny the request, show an error
This project is licensed under the MIT license.