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Multisite Request Matcher

Matches requests to multisites based upon configuration driven by environment variables. The packages works well with symfony/dotenv and symfony/http-foundation as used by drupal/core.

The multisite setup supports configuration via a common base-domain ($APP_MULTISITE_DOMAIN) or via per site domains. Via environment-dependent variables the common base-domain may be enabled for preview environments only also. The configured default site is used when the common multisite base-domain is accessed without any suiting prefix. Next, it's used for CLI invocations if no SITE variable is given a.


composer require drunomics/multisite-request-matcher


The package support construction site URLs via via a common base-domain ($APP_MULTISITE_DOMAIN) or via per site domains. Optional, site variants like "admin" or "api" are supported - useful if the app uses multiple hosts for things like the admin interface or an API endpoint.

That can be used to construct URLs like the following:

  • Commom multisite domain:
  • Per site domains:
  • Common multisite domain with variants:
  • Per site domains with variants:

The following environment variables may be set to configure the request matcher:

Variable name Required Example Value Description
TRUSTED_PROXIES No A list of IP addresses or subnets, separated by space.
HEADER_FORWARDED_HOST No X_FORWARDED_HOST A non-standard value for the host header.
APP_SITES Yes site-a site-b The list of site names, separated by space. May contain lowercase characters and dashes only.
APP_DEFAULT_SITE No site-a The default site to set. If not set, the first set will be set by default.
APP_SITE_VARIANTS No admin api An optional list of variants; i.e. variants of the same site.
APP_SITE_VARIANT_SEPARATOR No -- The separator between the variant name and the host, defaults to "--".
APP_MULTISITE_DOMAIN ~ A common base domain for all sites. Required when multisite base domains should be used.
APP_MULTISITE_DOMAIN_PREFIX_SEPARATOR No _ The separator between the site name and the common multisite base domain. Defaults to '_'.
APP_SITE_DOMAIN__{{ SITE }} ~ The per-site domain - required when per-site domains should be used. One variable per site must be provided with dashes replaced to underscores, e.g. for site-a the variable name would be APP_SITE_DOMAIN__site_a
APP_SITE_DOMAIN_ALIASES__{{ SITE }} No, Comma separated, per-site domain aliases that are allowed in addition to the main domain. Useful when access should be allowed via some non-primary domains also; e.g., when behind a CDN. One variable per site must be provided with dashes replaced to underscores, e.g. for site-a the variable name would be APP_SITE_DOMAIN_ALIASES__site_a
APP_SITE_DOMAIN ~ If an environment is bound to a fixed site, the site's domain. Requires SITE to be predefined.
APP_SITE_DOMAIN_ALIASES No, If an environment is bound to a fixed site, the site's domain aliases (see above). Requires SITE to be predefined.


  • The matched host is set as trusted host to the symfony/http-foundation request API via trusted host patterns.
  • The following environment variables are set:
Variable name Example Value Description
SITE site-a The active site.
SITE_VARIANT api The active site variant. Empty if no variant is active.
SITE_HOST The site's full host for the active site and variant.
SITE_MAIN_HOST The site's main host, without any variant.

CLI invocations

In order to make the same environment variables available for CLI invocations, the package provides the binary request-matcher-site-variables which outputs them based upon the set $SITE variable. Site variants are not supported in CLI requests, thus SITE_VARIANT is is always empty.

Usage with Drupal

  • Best, invoke the request matcher via the composer autoloader; that makes sure it is invoked very early and has matched requests before anything else goes on. For an example refer to this

    Be sure your environment variables are set and invoke it like that:

    $site = drunomics\MultisiteRequestMatcher\RequestMatcher::getInstance()
  • Add the following line to Drupal's sites.php such that Drupal can pick up the matched site. The site name of the APP_SITES variable should match the Drupal site directory names:

    $sites[$request->getHost()] = getenv('SITE');
  • Remove any trusted host patterns from Drupal as the request matcher already checked it.


developed by drunomics GmbH, Please refer to the commit log individual contributors.