The backend runs on a lando environment with with PHP 7.2.
Run the following command to start the lando environment:
# Execute in /backend
lando start
You should now be able to connect to the container on
If you're starting from scratch there will be a "File not found"-error, as the backend is not installed yet (see next section).
The backend (Drupal) part is based on the drupal-composer project, so that most of its' documentation should apply here too.
Run following commands to get files needed for your Drupal installation:
# Execute in /backend
lando composer install
Install Drupal with the predefined configuration:
# Execute in /backend
lando drush si config_installer --db-url=mysql://drupal8:drupal8@database/drupal8 --account-pass=admin --yes
You should now be able to see a fully installed Drupal 8 at
Import all configuration
lando drush csim -y
Run following commands to download the dependencies and start the development server:
# Execute in /frontend
lando npm install
lando npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You can view a list of articles, view single articles or create a new article through the frontend. Articles created via the Drupal backend will also be shown in the frontend app.