raide - A ray of light in the world of IDEs
raide is a simple IDE with a multi project approach in mind. It features currently:
- A save button
- Multiple Tabs of files that are closable and writable. Right click reveals the full path.
- Source highlighting of all languages understood by gtksourceview, including Rust, Java, JSON and Markdown.
- Generatable buttons with commands read from the workspace file raide.ron
- File-based completion, which completes text to previously typed words
- Project-based completion, which completes text of the common programming language It is useful on platforms with limited resources, as the application requires only 90 MB RAM.
- Another feature would be completion at standard library level of the respective language, which completes text to previously typed words.
- File-based search and replace would be another feature
name: "raide",
exclude_files: [],
commands: [(name:"build",has_button:true,command:"cargo build",key_binding:None,),(name:"run",has_button:true,command:"./file",key_binding:None,),(name:"format",has_button:true,command:"rustfmt {file}",key_binding:None,),],
This config features a
- project level build button
- project level run button
- file level format button