Utility to process JMH benchmarks results and format them into single comparison table, driven by the same benchmark and providing values for different testing equipment (hardware, language, etc).
The package provides both Maven plugin and standalone application. They can update either existing markdown file or print the results table into standard output.
Benchmark | Mode | Units | java 19 | java 20 par |
ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark2ClassLoader | avgt | ns/op | 8892208.541 | 9362036.799 |
ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark3Class | avgt | ns/op | 8924515.866 | 10773556.495 |
SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark0File | avgt | ns/op | 545174.357 | 543784.247 |
SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark1Jar | avgt | ns/op | 4371955.586 | 4281239.514 |
Benchmark | Mode | Units | Class1 | Class2 |
execute | avgt | ns/op | 1678276.855 | 2678276.855 |
run | avgt | ns/op | 1609564.705 | 2609564.705 |
Typical usage is as follows:
## Results
<!--- benchmark:table:jarfile:: --->
|Benchmark |Mode|Units| java 19| java 20 par|
|ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark2ClassLoader|avgt|ns/op|8892208.541| 9362036.799|
|ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark3Class |avgt|ns/op|8924515.866|10773556.495|
|SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark0File |avgt|ns/op| 545174.357| 543784.247|
|SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark1Jar |avgt|ns/op|4371955.586| 4281239.514|
## Runs
### java 19
<!--- benchmark:data:jarfile:java 19: --->
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark2ClassLoader avgt 2 8892208.541 ns/op
ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark3Class avgt 2 8924515.866 ns/op
SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark0File avgt 2 545174.357 ns/op
### java 20 concurrent-jar
<!--- benchmark:data:jarfile:java 20 par: --->
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ConcurrentThreadBenchmark.benchmark3Class avgt 2 10773556.495 ns/op
SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark0File avgt 2 543784.247 ns/op
SingleThreadBenchmark.benchmark1Jar avgt 2 4281239.514 ns/op
Options are provided as the last section in table statement and are provided in a form of HTTP query string. Some options can be specified multiple times.
<!--- benchmark:table:test:key=class&multiply=1000&multiply=0.1: --->
config parameter organizes benchmarks by class name instead of measure set.
config parameter organizes benchmarks by method, the method part before _
being the type
and after _
actual execution.
<!--- benchmark:table:key-class:key=class: --->
|Benchmark|Mode|Units| Class1| Class2|
|execute |avgt|ns/op|1678276.855|2678276.855|
|run |avgt|ns/op|1609564.705|2609564.705|
<!--- benchmark:table:key-method:key=method-benchmark_run: --->
|Benchmark |Mode|Units| HashMap|LinkedHashMap|
|remove |avgt|ns/op|1678276.855| 2678276.855|
### java 19
<!--- benchmark:data:key-class:all:: --->
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Class1.execute avgt 2 1678276.855 ns/op
Class1.run avgt 2 1609564.705 ns/op
Class2.execute avgt 2 2678276.855 ns/op
Class2.run avgt 2 2609564.705 ns/op
<!--- benchmark:data:key-class:all:: --->
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
MapBench.remove_HashMap avgt 2 1678276.855 ns/op
MapBench.remove_LinkedHashMap avgt 2 2678276.855 ns/op
config parameter multiplies score by the value (float). This is useful when benchmark run in batches.
<!--- makes the times divided by 1000: --->
<!--- benchmark:table:key-class:multiply=0.001: --->
config parameter specifies order of benchmarks. Not listed will be at the end, keeping original order.
<!--- makes the benchmarks appear in order of Class2, Class1 and any other not specified: --->
<!--- benchmark:table:key-class:key=class&order=Class2&order=Class1: --->
specifies base benchmark to compare to. It generates % comparison for each dataset.
<!--- benchmark:table:key-class:key=class&compare=Class1: --->
|Benchmark|Mode|Units| Class1| Class2| Class3|Class1%|Class2%|Class3%|
|execute |avgt|ns/op|1678276.855|2678276.855|678276.855| +0| +59| -59|
|run |avgt|ns/op|1609564.705|2609564.705|609564.705| +0| +62| -62|
specifies regexp filter to include subset of benchmarks
<!--- benchmark:table:filtering:filter=Class1&key=class: --->
|Benchmark|Mode|Units| Class1|
|execute |avgt|ns/op|1678276.855|
|run |avgt|ns/op|1609564.705|
Usage: jmh-review-results options...
-e true/false fatal fail on errors (default true)
-d dataset dataset to update
-i input-file path to input file, can be multiple
-o output-file path to update to results to
-p output all datasets to stdout
-c key=value configuration option for stdout mode
./target/jmh-review-results -e false -d jarfile -i src/test/data/compare/benchmarks.md -p -c key=class -c compare=Class1
The code is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.
Feel free to contact me at kvr000@gmail.com or http://github.com/kvr000 .