Puppetry 3.0.0
- improvement: add export format: human readable report
- improvement: add template expressions htmlOf, attributeOf, propertyOf
- improvement: new Test report UI with screenshot thumbnails and lightbox
- improvement: new CSS regression testing
- improvement: new interactive mode
- improvement: add page.waitForRequest
- improvement: add page.waitForResponse
- improvement: add page.assertConsoleMessage
- improvement: add page.assertDialog
- improvement: add page.closeDialog
- improvement: add target.scrollIntoView
- improvement: add option XPath to page.waitForSelector
- improvement: extend target.assertVisible with options
,within the current viewport
- improvement: all assertions accept the opposite assumptions (equal/not equal, contain/ doesn't contain)
- improvement: mixed type assertion simplified - one can assert only for string value. Exceptions are assertProperty/Attribute where additionally one can assert for boolean
- improvement: Jest/Puppeteer project (export) has option to run in Firefox (custom build)
- improvement: test steps and refs now support comments
- improvement: add suite autosave option
- improvement: add page.assertPerformanceAssetWeight
- improvement: add page.assertPerformanceAssetCount
- improvement: add page.assertPerformanceTiming (page loading, redirection, network latency, processing)
- improvement: extend page.setViewport with list of predefined resolutions
- improvement: polish UX for every test step form
- improvement: support Chrome Extensions
- improvement: add ignoreHTTPSErrors launcher option
- improvement: support to test Google Analytics tracking (pageview, event, social)
- improvement: support for target chaining
- querying within other element
- querying in Shadow DOM
- querying in iframe
- improvement: fix UI rendering performance
- improvement: add support for record operations (copy/paste, clone, delete, enable/disable) on selections
- improvement: show tips & tricks on loading screens
- improvement: add option to wait for target to every target method
- improvement: add target.waitForTarget
- improvement: UI, all inputs on press Enter submit, confirmation dialogs on Enter accept
- improvement: exported project now generates Allure reports
- all the test actions covered with self-tests (300+ assertions)
- improvement: update to Electron 7
- improvement: update to Puppeteer 2
- improvement: update to Jest 24.9
- improvement: update to React 16.11
- improvement: update to React-redux 7
NOTE: Since Puppetry isn't signed for Mac, please follow the instractions https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/open-a-mac-app-from-an-unidentified-developer-mh40616/mac to install it on macOS Catalina