Rails implementation of the Autonumber service.
This is a reimplementation of the Autonumber service from the Grails Services app.
- Ruby 2.2.4
- Bundler (v1.17.3 or earlier)
git clone git@github.com:umd-lib/autonumber-service
cd autonumber-service
bundle install --without production --path vendor
rails server
This application provides a "Dockerfile" for generating a Docker image for use in production. The Dockerfile provides a sample build command.
The "docker_config" directory contains files copied into the Docker image.
In order to generate "clean" Docker images, the Docker images should be built from a fresh clone of the GitHub repository.
The "Dockerfile.ci" file is used to encapsulate the environment needed by the continuous integration (ci) server for building and testing the application.
The "Jenkinsfile" provides the Jenkins pipeline steps for building and testing the application.
Note: The following is largely obsolete, as Kubernetes is now used for running in production. See umd-lib/k8s-autonumber.
- Postgres client to be installed (on RedHat, the "postgresql" and "postgresql-devel" packages)
The application uses the "dotenv" gem to configure the production environment. The gem expects a ".env" file in the root directory to contain the environment variables that are provided to Ruby. A sample "env_example" file has been provided to assist with this process. Simply copy the "env_example" file to ".env" and fill out the parameters as appropriate.
The configured .env file should not be checked into the Git repository, as it contains credential information.