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[https://github.com/dtompkins/teacheval] by Dave Tompkins [http://dtompkins.com]
This repository is part of my ongoing commitment to improve my teaching and to be open and transparent about my teaching.
It contains:
The raw data for ALL of the evaluations (good and bad) that I have received from my students, including their individual comments.
The python scripts to take that raw data, along with some template files, and automatically generate the pretty pages located at: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~dtompkin/teaching/
The source files for the page to load a random teaching evaluation: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~dtompkin/teaching/random/
A brief description of how to use the data:
For each section, there is a data/section-id.csv file. It contains:
- the course-id:
- the templates/course-id.csv file stores additional course information
- the template-id:
- the templates/template-id.csv has all of the question information
- the templates/template-id.html has all of the layout information
- additional information (e.g., term, section number) to display
There is also (likely) a data/section-id-responses.csv file:
- The first row (header) has the question id for each column:
- mc: multiple choice
- txt: text response
- smc: summarized multiple choice (see note below)
- Each subsequent row has a single student's response
There may also be a data/section-id-comments.txt file containing my personal comments on the section.
SMC (Summarized Multiple Choice):
- The first data row (after the header) has the number of possible choices per question
- Each subsequent row contains the number of students that selected the corresponding choice.