Releases: duangsuse-valid-projects/TreeToolbox
1.4-钨 -- new Splash Welcome&Splash
🐸 version with basic splash support is Released!
Fix wrong desc, add one more util (README)
Supress lint error (Gradle incompat.)
Min Android API 14 -> 15
Stub App
new boot, Splash and SplashWelcome component
🐛 Bug fix: wrt & append : no write
🐛 Bug fix: Fix PrepareStubApp extracting file in assets child dir (APK/assets/{DIR}/file) error
🐛 Bug fix: No newline in is2String
🐛 Bug fix: (Import) Cannot get correct file path in Android M
⭐️ Feature: add design libs
⭐️ Feature: (BSHActivity) more API Binding
⭐️ Feature: NEW API BSHActivity.go(String program, String handler_fn)
NEW Libs
- PageView
- Fab
- CircleImageView
- SwipeRefreshLayout
- Drawer
- MaterialProgressDrawable
- Circular anim
- Extra animation(easyandroidanimations)
Tree 1.3-Iridium
👏 🌝 Tree Toolbox version 1.3 -- with themes released!
Add awesome tree icons (For API21+) (11.79k)
with background color: black, red, green, blue, yellow and origin brown.
Also removes default tree icon for <API21, replaced with android.R.drawable.{} .
Add awesome themes (For API21+) (6.70k with colors)
With all 📦 material colors 🖌
And dark theme for red, blue, green, brown, yellow
Add material colors
supports night mode
Stub app
- prepare signapk library
- add demo for new BSHActivity API
- stubapp basic structure
TreeToolbox1.2 - Sodium
🍒 Tree Toolbox 1.2 released!
Runtime changes
BSHActivity Activity
Binding for beanshell
Remove unused logic (bsh.ClassGenerator)
Update build.gradle to supress lint warnings
Update proguard config
new API:
- BSHActivity.say(String t)
- BSHActivity.Import(String libname)
- BSHActivity.beginActivity(String name)
- MainActivity.beginActivity(String name)
Add travis CI support
Add travis CI Icon
About binary
app-release.apk is gradle release build output
1.1-萘 Simple, Naïve updates
- UI Changes
- Beanshell: delete unused lib(classpath)
- Add Vector Material-tree icon
- Gradle config: specify Java version to 1.8
- Update README, add tool list
- Create issues template
1.0-氧: First version with only the base engine released!
is a pretty clean beanshell engine based on minBeanshell.
Execute URI script (scheme bsh
Open Text files, create shortcut(pure beanshell implement) or execute.
Basic beanshell support w/o classgen and commands
Toolbox changes
toasts "hello" at startup
is built directly with Gradle
is thinner, is re-packaged apk of app-release.apk. signed using different keys.
download tree.apk if you don't know which to down.