This script is intended to be executed from Jellyfin but should work with every ffmpeg installation
- ffmpeg
- A working GPU decoding setup if you want GPU transcode
- Install needed dependencies IN container to have tonemap
docker exec -it $jellyfin bash
echo "deb buster-backports main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install aptitude
aptitude install nvidia-opencl-icd
It will look in $inputpath for MKV movies and convert them to x264 SDR to $outputpath I recommand using tmux to start process
Put script in a jellyfin container accessible folder
If no outputpath is specified, original file will be overwritten
You can set a maximum amount of files to process
Use arguments to process only video or audio
Specify a blacklist
Make it executable
docker exec $jellyfin chmod +x
- Run it
- Connect into container
docker exec -u root:users -it $jellyfin bash
- Run for every movie in $inputpath
It will look in $inputpath for HDR content and convert them to x264 SDR to $outputpath
Executing the script like this works but is not perfect - suggestions welcome!
Put script in a jellyfin container accessible folder
Edit the configuration in the script especially the path
- Input path - script will recurse if there are subfolders
Run it
- Connect into container
docker exec -it $jellyfin bash
- Run for every movie in $inputpath
bash /path/to/