Log4j2 JSON Event Layout without requirement of thirdparty libraries
Add the <JSONLog4j2Layout>
tag to any appender to use it.
Note: It could be required to add to the configuration node in the packages attribute the package of the plugin.
<Configuration packages="org.erc.log4j2.layout">
Check the Log4j2 configuration java doc for more references https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html
- locationInfo - Adds location info to the Trace
- singleLine - Removes \r and \n in JSON String
- htmlSafe - Escapes additional characters to print the JSON on HTML pages.
- newLineFormat - Custom new line for each line (if singleLine is off) or the final line (if singleLine is on)
- plainContextMap - Prints the content of the ContextMap in the root as key:value instead of a contextMap object with the values
- charset - Charset to use (Default UTF-8)
- UserField - Collection of user fields with key and value that will be printed in the LogEntry
Example expanded to multiple lines
"message":"Dummy Message Test with tab T\tT before here.",
"contextStack":["Entry 1","Entry 2"],
To include this library in your project just add the dependency to your maven project
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You could check any important security information at the security document
1.- To send to logstash, add the jar to your application classpath and configure a log4j2 socket appender with the host and port used by logstash. Then add to the desired loggers.
<Socket name="socketAppender" host="myhost" port="9201">
<JSONLog4j2Layout singleLine="true" />
2.- Configure logstash using tcp input in server mode with the same port.
input {
tcp {
port => 9201
mode => "server"
codec => json_lines