[ALL] 1.0.1
What's Changed
- refactor: optimized svg assets by @jisungbin in #189
- refactor: publish env 설정 간소화 by @jisungbin in #191
- feat: committer bot 설정 by @jisungbin in #193
- chore(deps): update kover to v0.6.1 by @renovate in #202
- docs: copyright 최신화 by @evergreentree97 in #204
- SpecifyAnimationSpecIssue 구현 by @limsaehyun in #206
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.testparameterinjector:test-parameter-injector to v1.9 by @renovate in #210
- chore: bump Koltin and Compose Complier by @jisungbin in #211
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.0-rc01 by @renovate in #213
- feat: ux-writing-overlay 구현 시도 by @jisungbin in #223
- feat: animateAsState 빌드 에러 해결 by @jisungbin in #224
- chore: fix build error by @jisungbin in #226
- feat: 스냅샷 테스트 복원 by @jisungbin in #231
- chore(deps): update ksp to v1.7.20-1.0.6 by @renovate in #227
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences to v1.1.0-dev01 by @renovate in #220
- Revert "fix(deps): update dependency androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences to v1.1.0-dev01" by @jisungbin in #233
- refactor: ui-components variant 모듈 네이밍 방식 통일 by @jisungbin in #234
- refactor: QuackFontScale 제거 by @jisungbin in #235
- feat: QuackIcon 표시 방법 변경 by @jisungbin in #236
- feat: WindowInsets 이 작동하지 않던 버그 수정 by @jisungbin in #237
- feat: QuackLargeButton 패딩 조정 by @jisungbin in #238
- feat: snapshots 관련 CI 및 로직 추가 by @jisungbin in #241
- feat: snapshot utils by @jisungbin in #243
- feat: fix snapshot actions by @jisungbin in #244
- QuackBottomSheet 등 여러가지 컴포넌트 구현 by @goddoro in #217
- QuackModalDrawer, Divider 구현 by @evergreentree97 in #215
- feat: QuackSubTitle2 추가 by @evergreentree97 in #246
- feat: publish 1.0.1 by @jisungbin in #247
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...1.0.1