Author: J. Boghaert
Tutors: M. Hosner, G. Zardini
More information on the Global Localization problem can be found either in the file with a brief explanation on the pipeline and code packages in this repository or more extensively in the final report of this Duckietown project, given in the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zürich, 2019.
A successful run of the GOTO-1 demo version can be found here for localization, path planning and navigation of the Duckiebot, and here for navigation, state estimation and shutdown procedure of the GOTO-1 project.
For the GOTO-1 project, any Duckietown configuration can be used that adheres to the specifications. However, certain additional limitations were made in order for the localization, planning and execution of the global localization solution to make sense. These can be found under Prerequisites and assumptions.
A quick pre-flight checklist for running the GOTO-1 demo is provided below:
- Make sure all assumptions and restrictions for GOTO-1 as explained in Prerequisites and assumptions are met.
- Set up the Duckiebot as explained in section Prerequisites and assumptions.
- Set up a correctly configured Duckietown as explained in section Prerequisites and assumptions, and make sure the DT map is configured as in
(more info can be found in the final report). The current default, hardcoded Duckietown configuration is the one used for the final demo presentation of AMoD 2019 in room ML K31. - Additionaly, make sure your Duckiebot has a full battery before connecting or building anything.
- Set up the altered framework of the
demo on which GOTO-1 will be built, as further explained in section Setting up the framework. - Check if the activated Docker containers are visible in Portainer, accessed via DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local:9000 (repeat this check after every newly run Docker container). Check if the containers are up and running by checking their log.
- Implement the GOTO-1 functionality on top of
as further explained in section Implementing GOTO-1.- Make sure to define the input parameters correctly. I.e.
as the AT defining the lane (the AT itself will not be read by the Duckiebot in normal circumstances) andgoal_distance
as distance between final intersection and arrival point in cm. - Check whether the ROS graph of the entire GOTO-1 module is correct using
and userqt_image_view
to check whether the camera functions properly (further explained in section Additional functionalities).
- Make sure to define the input parameters correctly. I.e.
- Run the demo using the joystick controller, as explained in section Implementing GOTO-1.
The scripts within the GOTO-1 project are written for the 2019 Duckietown (AMOD) class at ETH Zürich. The entire project is based on a ROS-template providing a boilerplate repository for developing ROS-based software in Duckietown, to be found here. Throughout this document $ some_command
refers to a command from the terminal within the project directory, and # some_command
refers to a command within the root of a Docker container (accessed using /bin/bash
). Also, make sure to replace DUCKIEBOT_NAME
in every command with the name of your Duckiebot.
Running the project should be implemented in the existing framework of indefinite_navigation
, more info to be found here with the default rosgraph to be found here. This framework allows us to comply with the Duckietown traffic rules, lane following and the necessary task prioritization of incoming commands. The implementation of the GOTO-1 project requires some changes to be made within the indefinite_navigation
framework, which are outlined in the next sections.
The GOTO-1 package assumes the following assumptions within the Duckietown environment set-up:
- DT map as hardcoded in
(the demo example can be found here), - no varying lighting conditions,
- no external factors (s.a. obstacles on the roads),
- an acceptably functioning
demo version with ROS graph as attached.
In addition, in order to function properly and start using the (daffy) Duckietown-environment in the first place, GOTO-1 requires the following:
- a well calibrated Duckiebot, i.e. using wheel calibration and camera calibration (more here),
- a well set-up laptop (preferably Ubuntu), further explained here,
- a well established connection between Duckiebot and (any) desktop, further explained here,
- a correctly set up Duckietown configuration (more info here).
Before building anything, make sure to be connected to your Duckiebot, and retrieve its IP address through:
$ ping DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local
Then, make sure to pull the latest docker images for dt-core
, dt-car-interface
and dt-duckiebot-interface
$ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local pull duckietown/dt-car-interface:daffy
$ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local pull duckietown/dt-duckiebot-interface:daffy
$ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local pull duckietown/dt-core:daffy
Run the required demo containers (also outlined here) and make sure no (old) dt-core
, dt-car-interface
or dt-duckiebot-interface
are running. You could also manually start these demo containers from Portainer (accessed through DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local:9000/#/containers in a browser) if you already ran them before. Within Portainer, you will also be able to see the logging services of all containers running and inspect the DUCKIEBOT's behaviour. Now, run:
$ dts duckiebot demo --demo_name all_drivers --duckiebot_name DUCKIEBOT_NAME --package_name duckiebot_interface --image duckietown/dt-duckiebot-interface:daffy
$ dts duckiebot demo --demo_name all --duckiebot_name DUCKIEBOT_NAME --package_name car_interface --image duckietown/dt-car-interface:daffy
As mentioned, the demo container for indefinite_navigation
is altered by excluding the node of random_april_tag_turns_node
, and - in a next step - replacing it with the GOTO-1 package. The exclusion is done by altering the indefinite_navigation.launch
file and putting the boolean value of random_apriltag
to "false" as follows:
$ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local run -it --name dt-core-goto1 -v /data:/data --privileged --rm --net host duckietown/dt-core:daffy /bin/bash
Then, once inside the root, navigate to the packages/duckietown_demos/launch
directory and then install the text editor vim (or any other text editor) to change the boolean value within the correct file.
# cd packages/duckietown_demos/launch
# apt-get update
# apt-get install vim
# vim indefinite_navigation.launch
Once inside the file, press "i" to edit, and esc
followed by ":wq" to close and save the file. Then, launch the altered indefinite_navigation
# roslaunch duckietown_demos indefinite_navigation.launch veh:="DUCKIEBOT_NAME"
Note: The above procedure of installing vim should be performed every time when preparing the indefinite_navigation
framework for the GOTO-1 implementation. An alternative approach was opted in section Future Improvements, but not yet implemented.
Important: Keep the demo containers running at all times, and allow the containers enough time (about 3 minutes) to be up and running. Use a new terminal window for the next section(s).
Once the framework is set up, build the image:
$ dts devel watchtower stop -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local
$ chmod +x ./packages/my_package/src/
$ chmod +x ./packages/my_package/src/
$ dts devel build -f --arch arm32v7 -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local
Then run the GOTO-1 module, and access its root to pass the desired input commands (more information on the different parameters can be found in the file):
$ docker -H DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local run -it --name proj-goto-1 --privileged -v /data:/data -e ROS_MASTER_URI=http://DUCKIEBOT_IP:11311/ --rm --net host duckietown/IMAGE_NAME:IMAGE_TAG /bin/bash
# roslaunch my_package proj_goto_1.launch goal_input:="199" goal_distance:="40"
If you want to pass tuning values right away (these can always be changed later during runtime), use the following instead of the previous command (change the values to what suits your Duckiebot best):
# roslaunch my_package proj_goto_1.launch goal_input:="199" goal_distance:="40" new_v_bar:="0.5" inter_nav_ff_left:="0.4" inter_nav_ff_right:="-0.6" inter_nav_time_left_turn:="3.2" inter_nav_time_right_turn:="1.5"
Start the demo as follows, from another terminal:
$ dts duckiebot keyboard_control DUCKIEBOT_NAME
Once up and running, your ROS graph should display something like the ROS graph attached.
Note: All values have been assigned default values as defined in the proj_goto_1.launch
file here. Although these give some useful behaviour and you could leave them out from the command, you are encouraged to find the most optimal trim values for your Duckiebot yourself.
When stopping the GOTO-1 module, do the following:
- close all auxiliary terminals you might have used (s.a. joystick control, start_gui_tools, rviz, ...),
- stop all activated and created containers in portainer (accessed through DUCKIEBOT_NAME.local:9000/#/containers in a browser), wait for the processes to finish cleanly,
- ssh into your Duckiebot using the following command. Wait for 30 seconds before plugging out the battery.
$ ssh DUCKIEBOT_NAME sudo poweroff
The following packages can be of further help to analyze (any) node or node-system:
In order to see the ROS graph, to see what your Duckiebot sees or to use any rqt functionalities:
$ dts start_gui_tools DUCKIEBOT_NAME
# rostopic list
# rosparam list
# rqt
# rqt_graph
# rqt_image_view
In order to dynamically adjust parameters (during run-time), start another container and pass parameters using /bin/bash as follows:
$ docker run -it --rm -e ROS_MASTER_URI="http://DUCKIEBOT_IP:11311/" duckietown/dt-ros-commons:daffy-amd64 /bin/bash
# rosparam list
# rosparam get /directory/path/file
# rosparam set /directory/path/file DESIRED_VALUE
The existing framework of indefinite_navigation
was at the time of testing not stable, and issues may arise within the development branch of Duckietown (daffy
). Example videos of that can be found here for AT detection where the Duckiebot is supposed to go straight but reads out an incorrectly oriented AT, here for intersection navigation where the Duckiebot is supposed to take a left turn and here for lane following. In those cases, the following may be of help:
Symptom: The Duckiebot does not navigate well at intersections (overshoot) and/or does not follow the lane smoothly:
Resolution: the scripts for GOTO-1 can overrule the gain and trim values with new values passed through the command terminal (or through the root of another running Docker container):
- for calibrating
see the file here - for calibrating
see here - note: the
parameter affects both linear and angular velocity, so preferably do not use this when you want to tune only the linear velocity
Symptom: There is a persisting tendency for the Duckiebot to not read out the correctly oriented AT at an intersection:
Resolution: Intervene manually or simplify the Duckietown lay-out and other restrictions:
- intervene using the joystick controller
- take out non-intersection sign AT's (s.a. STOP, ROAD_NAME, ...) such that there are no other AT's present as the ones hardcoded in
Symptom: State estimation does not function properly or a low accuracy of state feedback is encountered:
Resolution: This requires finetuning of several parameters, but should be stable once a value exhibits well-functioning behaviour:
- tune the camera frame rate in the
node (minimal values are given, but could be increased in order to be more precise in detecting midline stripe discontinuities) - tune the rospy rate used by the
node and thestate_estimation
node to obtain an optimal processing of incoming camera images and passing of state feedback - tune the linear velocity
of thelane control
node (this can be passed upon starting the GOTO-1 package or dynamically via the# rosparam set
command) - note: changing the above values is likely to have an influence on
as well, for which other values might need to be tuned as well (see the first symptom).
Symptom: The set-up of the Duckiebot is incorrect (s.a. network problems, lost connection, blinking, ...) or more general problems with the
Resolution: Revisit the requirements of setting up your laptop, building the Duckiebot and running indefinite_navigation
- issues regarding the set-up of your Duckiebot: here
- issues regarding the use of the
framework: here
In general, sufficient time should be spent for tuning the parameter values of the Duckiebot. Note however, that a single success for a certain set of parameter values does not necessarily mean the values have converged and are optimal for all other trials.
As for any project, there are certain aspects of the GOTO-1 package and the involved framework of indefinite_navigation
that can be improved. In especially, the following submodules could benefit from the following:
- the
could make use of the AT pose in order to filter out only the correctly oriented AT's (as AT's parallel to the line of sight currently can be favoured over the ones that are perpendicular to the line of sight), - the
module and its accuracy could be improved by increasing the rate of analyzed frames, and lowering the upper bound for linear velocity (note that the latter also requires to finetune the otherlane_following
parameters, - the
parameters are currently passed as a feedforward command, and are not tailored a specific Duckiebot (developing a better feedback-based intersection navigation is currently part of another project), - the
parameters are currently very unstable, and are again not tailored to a specific Duckiebot (developing a better adaptive lane control module is currently part of another project as well). During the development of GOTO-1, it was opted to do the next substeps. These should then allow to build an updated version of the dt-core, with the improved modules from the adaptive lane control project and therandom_apriltag
parameter as false.- permanently fork the
repository, - change the base image of the GOTO-1 Dockerfile to dt-core (you want to build upon this image in order to be able to alter it, rather than the default dt-ros-commons image)
- attach the
packages developed in thelane_control
project (AMOD 2019) by S. Arreghini and P. Griffa to the GOTO-1 repository, - attach and tailor the .launch files for dt-core by again putting the value of
to false, - execute this .launch file by including it in the original proj-goto-1.launch file,
- note: this alternative was in the end not implemented, as the timeframe at the remaining time of development was limited and the (stable) implementation was only proved for
and not yet for the largerindefinite_navigation
- permanently fork the
- implementation of
repo as basis for the Dijkstra graph, in order to switch more dynamically between various Duckietown configurations. For that, a mapping from the position of the AT's in thedt-world
format to the format of the Dijkstra graph in thepath_planning_class
should be build.