Using WebDriverIO and selenium-standlone server to do testing.
-Create a new directory.
-Navigate into newly created directory.
-Install WebDriverIO.
-Install mocha lib.
-Install chai lib.
-Install selenium-standalone server.
-start selenium-standalone server.
-run npm test in command line.
Overview for landing page tests
- Making sure images and graphics are all visible
- Making sure prices, phone numbers, and timer are formatted correctly (using regex)
- Making sure form is validated
- a. submit form without entering any information
- b. submit form by entering incorrect information
- c. submit form by entering valid information
- Making sure links direct correctly
- Making sure text is correct / spelling is correct
- Making sure JavaScript interactions are working i.e. hovering, clicking, animations
- Making sure CSS is consistent across similar elements i.e. link styling, button styling
Using chrome I make the window smaller where it would eventually changed the look into a "mobile" look.
The hamburger menu appear, when I clicked on it I get a submenu, however when clicking on any of the
submenu items nothing would happen. This is a design flaw.