After some initial reluctance, I've finally begun to code in Python.
Here are some of the scripts I've managed to write. Most of them are 'quick-and-dirty' and were created for a very specific use-case, so they may not be of much use as-is. But you are free to edit any of them to suit your needs.
- 0xMirror
- Batch Edit MP3 Metadata
- Find Untagged MP3s
- Geeks for Geeks Scraper
- Github Contributions
- Goodreads Quotes
- Plays
- Backup
- MITx Solutions
- MusicBrainz IRC Chatlogs Downloader
- Network Usage Analyst
- Networx XML Parser
- Sphinx Linkfix
- Sublime Text 3 Plugins
- WP XML to Octopress MD
A script to create a zero-byte mirror of an entire hard disk.
Tech: scandir
Use Mutagen to modify artist tag of multiple mp3 files.
Tech: Mutagen.
Find all songs in the current directory that have not been tagged with MusicBrainz IDs and optionally move them to a separate folder.
Tech: Mutagen. MBIDs.
Create nice PDFs from posts on Geeks for Geeks.
Tech: BeautifulSoup, Printing html to pdf using QTextDocument.
Fetch all previous year contributions from Github (issues, pull requests etc.)
Tech: Basic Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup.
A script to download all the quotes I've liked on Goodreads. The plan was to create a offline database that I could edit.
Couldn't decide how/what to do. So this is just half-done.
Tech: BeautifulSoup to parse the webpage downloaded.
A script to backup my scrobbles, loved/banned tracks.
Tech: XML. CSV. sqlite.
I am an avid user of the service. These scripts interact with's API.
Creates a local playlist from Top 20 tracks of an artist.
Useful when you have a huge collection of songs and you can't decide what to listen to.
View the number of songs you have listened to today.
Tech: Parse XML responses from the API. os.Walk() to find mp3 files matching the criteria.
Set of solutions to the 6.00.1x course from EdX.
I left the course in between, as I often do.
Script used to download IRC Chatlogs of #musicbrainz and #musicbrainz-devel.
Tech: urllib
Parses Networx backup XMLs and outputs the data in js format.
Tech: datetime module. XML parsing.
This script has been moved to a new repository - Internet-Usage.
I have a cron job setup that dumps my network usage to files.
This script reads in those files and outputs data such as data downloaded this month, data left and suggested usage.
Uses the linkcheck's output file to fix links in docs.
Originally created for this issue.
Small Plugins that I've written/copied for sublime text.
I used this script to shift my blog from Wordpress to Octopress.
It creates individual blog posts in markdown format from a wordpress export file (XML).
Tech: XML Parsing. Namespace Dictionaries.