Ducky's Traffic Monitoring Script Thing.
To install: Copy updateTraffic and wrtbwmon to /config/scripts/ Copy trafficMonitorSetup to /config/scripts/post-config.d Chmod them all to be accessible.
chmod +x /config/scripts/wrtbwmon; chmod +x /config/scripts/updateTraffic; chmod +x /config/scripts/post-config.d/trafficMonitorSetup
To set up each machine, edit/paste this line (Lowercase MAC Address): echo "ma:ca:dd:re:ss:00,ComputerName" >> /config/scripts/users.txt
Set up the cron jobs to make it run every 10 minutes
If you have on/off peak, do this one:
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 crontab-spec "*/10,59 8-23 * * *"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 executable path /config/scripts/updateTraffic
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 executable arguments "peak"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic3 crontab-spec "*/10,59 3-7 * * *"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic3 executable path /config/scripts/updateTraffic
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic3 executable arguments "offpeak"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic4 crontab-spec "*/10,59 0-2 * * *"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic4 executable path /config/scripts/updateTraffic
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic4 executable arguments "peak"
set system offload ipv4 vlan disable
set system offload ipv4 forwarding disable
If you only have on peak traffic do this one:
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 crontab-spec "*/10 * * * *"
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 executable path /config/scripts/updateTraffic
set system task-scheduler task peakTraffic2 executable arguments "peak"
set system offload ipv4 vlan disable
set system offload ipv4 forwarding disable
To access your traffic usage once you've done the above steps, go to: http://routerIP/tests/usage.htm
For a cooler version, put index.php in /var/www/htdocs/tests/