Github Action to export a Godot 3.x and 4.x game to iOS and upload it on App Store.
If you are facing problems with the action or this README feels incomplete, pull requests are welcome or open an issue.
For Godot 4.3 please check In Godot 4.3 you can decide in the exports_preset.cfg iOS configuration, if Godot should do all the archiving and signing of the app. So many steps of this action are no longer needed.
Godot 4.x is the current active stable version and will be actively maintained.
You can find the code in the main
- Apple Developer Account
- App-specific password
- Godot Project with a iOS Export
- Certificate and Provision Profile
key | required | default | description |
project-name | true | Name used in xcodebuild | |
apple-id-username | true | Apple ID email | |
apple-id-password | true | App specific password | |
godot-version | true | . | Godot Engine version. Supported are 4.x versions. Check versions here |
godot-channel | false | stable | Godot Engine release channel (stable, beta, rc1, rc2, rc3...). Defaults to 'stable' Check release channels here |
working-directory | false | . | Path to .project file |
Use the 4.x tag
- name: Export and upload to Testflight
uses: dulvui/godot-ios-upload@v4
project-name: FutsalManager
godot-version: 4.2.2
provision-profile-path: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/build_pp.mobileprovision
apple-id-username: ${{ secrets.IOS_APPLE_ID_USERNAME }}
apple-id-password: ${{ secrets.IOS_APPLE_ID_PASSWORD }}
Godot 3.x is the current LTS version and will be less actively maintained.
You can find the code in the godot-3
key | required | default | description |
project-name | true | Name used in xcodebuild | |
apple-id-username | true | Apple ID email | |
apple-id-password | true | App specific password | |
working-directory | false | . | Path to .project file |
godot-version | false | 3.5.3 | Check versions here |
You an find a working examples here:
key | required | default | description |
project-name | true | Name used in xcodebuild | |
apple-id-username | true | Apple ID email | |
apple-id-password | true | App specific password | |
working-directory | false | . | Path to .project file |
godot-version | false | 4.2.1 | Check versions here |
You an find a working examples here:
To upload the app you can use your account login credentials.
But for security reasons it is not recommended to do that, so prefer to use an app-specific password, by following this steps:
- Sign in to
- In the Sign-In and Security section, select App-Specific Passwords.
- Select Generate an app-specific password or select the Add button, then follow the steps on your screen.
- Enter or paste the app-specific to the Action secrets.
Find here the official instructions on how to create an app-specific password:
Note: An API key generated from site would also work, but is not implemented yet. Open an issue, if you need to use an API key and I'll implement it asap.
To upload a game to the App Store, you need to create a Developer Certificate. The official Apple guide shows you how to do it easily with a Mac device in its official documentation.
But it can be done also without a Mac, using a Linux System, following this guide of a Github user.
Here you can find the needed steps, but since this might change over time, please always check the comments of the guide above.
- Generate a private key and certificate signing request: Change "" and "Simon Dalvai" with your values.
openssl genrsa -out distribution.key 2048
openssl req -new -key distribution.key -out distribution.csr -subj '/, CN=Simon Dalvai, C=IT'
- Upload CSR to apple at: Choose Production -> App Store and Ad Hoc
- Download the resulting distribution.cer, and convert it to .pem format:
openssl x509 -inform der -in distribution.cer -out distribution.pem
- Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert from portal and convert it to pem: - Worldwide Developer Relations - G4 (Expiring 12/10/2030 00:00:00 UTC
openssl x509 -in AppleWWDRCAG4.cer -inform DER -out AppleWWDRCAG4.pem -outform PEM
- Convert your cert plus Apple's cert to p12 format (choose a password for the .p12):
Note: use -legacy if using opensssl v3.x
openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -out distribution.p12 -inkey distribution.key -in distribution.pem -certfile AppleWWDRCAG4.pem
Finally, update any provisioning profiles with the new cert, and download from dev portal. 6. Create base64 of distribution.p12 for github actions Now you can prepare it for the Github Action
base64 distribution.p12 -w 0 > distribution.base64
- Add distribution.base64 and the previous created p12 password to the Github Action secrets in your repository settings
Github Actions are always free only for Open Source repositories. On private you get 2000 to 3000 run minutes per month, depending on the type of your account. Additionally, MacOS actions consume 10x times the minutes of a Linux machine, so you actually get 200 to 300 minutes per month.
Here the detailed documentation about pricing
This software is licensed under the MIT license.