You can use dynamic-repeat exactly the same way you'd use dom-repeat,
but with several differences. You can pass multiple templates into dynamic-repeat
and, based on the precedence, the correct template will be chosen to render each item.
The items
array should be an array of objects containing the properties prop
and type
If a template is found for prop
, that is used. It then checks type
, and finally checks
for a default template. Mark templates with the for
window.onload = () => {
dynamicRepeat.items = [{
value: "",
prop: "email",
type: "string",
}, {
value: "Female",
prop: "gender",
type: "string",
}, {
value: "!QAZ2wsx#EDC4rfv",
prop: "password",
type: "encrypted",
}, {
value: "29",
prop: "age",
type: "number",
<dynamic-repeat id="dynamicRepeat">
<template for="email">mailto: [[item.value]]</template>
<template for="string">"[[item.value]]"</template>
<template for="encrypted">****</template>