Grpc uses protocol buffers as Interface Definition Language(IDL) and use as message interchage format
Grpc is very useful for distributed services, it easy to define a service, methods, request and response type. Grpc server implements the same interface, receive client call and do some logic
It supports multiple languages and environments
More detail at:
Grpc uses HTTP/2 as protocol, it diff from HTTP/1.1, that make our applications more performance and robust. It reduce latency, make our data lightweight by binary framing.
Header Compression allow reduce request size
Multiplexing reduce the spawning TCP connections by reuse connections and send many requests with a single connection. In behind the scene, it create sub-channels that allow send and recieve many requests.
Download Buf tool to generate grpc client stubs:
Choose our directory contain proto files
buf generate ./directory
Server run
go run ./cmd/server/server.go
Client run
go run ./cmd/client/client.go