- Subject: Introduction to tvOS Development, using Swift 3
- Date: April 27, 2017
- Location: Columbia iOS Development Meetup at Thorn Technologies, LLC
- Communities: https://www.meetup.com/Columbia-iOS-Development-Meetup/
- Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/maycer/introduction-to-tvos-using-swift-3-75434414
- tvOS History
- tvOS Architecture
- Differences of tvOS from iOS
- Limitations
- tvOS Design Tools
- Adding tvOS support to existing apps.
- Slidedeck markdown app: https://www.decksetapp.com/
- Assets
- Top shelf templates
- App Icon Template
- Eurosport TVML Application streams live Eurosport video.
- durulstv tvOS Server Apps (TVML)
- tvOS-Popular-TV uses new tvOS and UICollectionView and Cell for Popular Tv Shows