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Initial release with some useful functionality for 'Reviewees'

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@duxtinto duxtinto released this 16 Feb 15:53
· 11 commits to master since this release

Warning: this is a very early release, and apart from having a really limited functionality, it can contains a lot of bugs XD

Use cases implemented by the release:

  • As a reviewee, before moving the caret into the comment line, I want to checkout the pull request branch if it's not checked out yet (#15)
  • As a reviewee, I want to visually see whenever a review comment is outdated (#16)
  • [bug] As a reviewee, only my open pull request should be displayed in the pull request list (#17)
  • [bug] As a reviewee, if I authenticate myself by using a token, the list of my PRs is not loaded (#18)
  • As a reviewee, I want to be able of refreshing the pull request list (#19)