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Joint Self-Supervised Image-Volume Representation Learning with Intra-inter Contrastive Clustering

We release the algorithm in our paper accepted in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023.

  • 📣 2024.05.24: Codes for downstream task.
  • 📣 2024.01.09: Updating scripts to train 2D self-supervised baselines.
  • 📣 2023.12.24: 3D self-supervised parts in the proposed framework are ready.


2D SSL Baselines Training

Anaconda Environment

Install VISSL for 2D SSL training by following this instruction. You should place the vissl folder inside this repository for convenient.

Data Preparation

The algorithm takes 2D images in whichever format supported by VISSL (PNG, JPG, etc.). An example for the folder structure of training data is given in the training_data_2D folder. The structure must be as follows

   + train
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_1
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_2
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_3
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   ...
   + test
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_1
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_2
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   |
   |   + Dataset_3
   |   |   |
   |   |   + 001.jpg
   |   |   + 002.jpg
   |   |   + ...
   |   ...
   + valid
       + Dataset_1
       |   |
       |   + 001.jpg
       |   + 002.jpg
       |   + ...
       + Dataset_2
       |   |
       |   + 001.jpg
       |   + 002.jpg
       |   + ...
       + Dataset_3
       |   |
       |   + 001.jpg
       |   + 002.jpg
       |   + ...

After preparing the training data, add these lines (using absolute paths) to the file vissl/configs/config/dataset_catalog.json in your VISSL installation location

   "train": ["/path/to/Training_Data_2D/train/", "<unused>"],
   "val": ["/path/to/Training_Data_2D/valid/", "<unused>"],
   "test": ["/path/to/Training_Data_2D/test/", "<unused>"]

Training Scripts

Use the following commands to train 2D SSL methods using 2 GPUs. You may change the settings to suit your needs.

# For DeepCluster method
python ./vissl/tools/ \
  config=pretrain/deepcluster_v2/deepclusterv2_2crops_resnet \
  config.DATA.TRAIN.DATA_SOURCES=[disk_folder] \
  config.DATA.TRAIN.DATASET_NAMES=[ssl_2d] \
  config.CHECKPOINT.DIR="./weights/2D_SSL_DeepCluster" \
  config.OPTIMIZER.num_epochs=105 \
  config.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID=auto \
# For SwAV method
python ./vissl/tools/ \
  config=pretrain/swav/swav_8node_resnet \
  config.DATA.TRAIN.DATA_SOURCES=[disk_folder] \
  config.DATA.TRAIN.DATASET_NAMES=[ssl_2d] \
  config.CHECKPOINT.DIR="./weights/2D_SSL_SwAV" \
  config.OPTIMIZER.num_epochs=105 \
  config.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID=auto \

After training, the checkpoints in .torch format will be saved in the folder indicated by config.CHECKPOINT.DIR. Please use vissl/extra_scripts/ to convert them to torchvision format for the next step. We also provide converted pre-trained weights for 2D SSL methods in this repository (resnet_deepcluster2D.pth and resnet_swav2D.pth in the folder weights) to save your time.

3D SSL Training

Anaconda Environment

Due to conflicts in different versions of nVIDIA Apex, one must deactivate the anaconda environment used in 2D SSL training before creating the environment for 3D SSL training.

First, create anaconda environment from file as

conda env create -f env.yml
conda activate joint-ssl

Then, install nVIDIA Apex as

git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./

Data Preparation

The algorithm takes 3D images of size H x W x C in NPY format as inputs. An example for the folder structure of training data is given in the training_data_3D folder. The structure must be as follows

   + Dataset_1
   |    |
   |    + 001.npy
   |    + 002.npy
   |    + ...
   + Dataset_2
   |    |
   |    + 001.npy
   |    + 002.npy
   |    + ...
   + Dataset_3
   |    |
   |    + 001.npy
   |    + 002.npy
   |    + ...

Training Scripts

First, we train the mask embedding. This step requires weights from 2D SSL (included in this repository). The commands are as follows

# For DeepCluster method
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2
# For SwAV method
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2

After training the mask embedding, we will obtain the weights mask_deepcluster.pth and mask_swav.pth in the folder weights.

Then, we train joint 2D-3D SSL. This step requires weights from 2D SSL (resnet_deepcluster2D.pth or resnet_swav2D.pth) and corresponding weights from embedding training (mask_deepcluster.pth or mask_swav.pth). These weights are available in the folder weights. The commands are as follows

# For DeepCluster method
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2
# For SwAV method
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2

After training, we will obtain the weights deepcluster3D.pth and swav3D.pth in the current folder.

Downstream Tasks

After obtaining the weights deepcluster3D.pth and swav3D.pth from joint 2D-3D SSL training, we use these weights for downstream tasks. In this repository, we provide the scripts for demonstrating the segmentation task of MMWHS dataset (both CT and MRI).

Data Preparation

First, download the dataset from this link. Please note that we only use the folders ct_train and mri_train since the test sets do not contain ground-truths. The train/test splits are as follows for both CT and MRT datasets (the numbers are image indices)

1001, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1020

1004, 1007, 1013

1002, 1010, 1012, 1019

Then, after downloading and organizing the data, use the scripts and in the folder ./downstream/preprocessing/ to pre-process the NII images (adjust the folder paths accordingly).

Fine-tuning and Testing

First, update the path of deepcluster3D.pth and swav3D.pth in


by editing lines 79 and 80. Then, go to ./downstream/segmentation_models.pytorch/ and run

pip install -e .

to install our customized segmentation_models.pytorch package.

Then, updates the paths in ./downstream/ in lines 34-50 to the preprocessed datasets created in the previous Data Preparation step.

Finally, run the following commands for fine-tuning and testing (suppose that the current folder is downstream)

python -pt joint-deepcluster -ds mmwhs_ct -od ./checkpoints/swav_ct -gpu 0 -l 0.01


  • -pt: joint-deepcluster or joint-swav, name of checkpoint for the joint-ssl methods.
  • -ds: downstream dataset, mmwhs_ct for MMWHS-CT and mmwhs_mri for MMWHS-MRI.
  • -od: output directory for fine-tuned weights.
  • -gpu: GPU ID (equivalent to CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES).
  • -l: learning rate.


  title={Joint self-supervised image-volume representation learning with intra-inter contrastive clustering},
  author={Nguyen, Duy MH and Nguyen, Hoang and Mai, Truong TN and Cao, Tri and Nguyen, Binh T and Ho, Nhat and Swoboda, Paul and Albarqouni, Shadi and Xie, Pengtao and Sonntag, Daniel},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},


Release algorithm for jointly 2D-3D self-supervised learning.






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