🔭 I’m currently working on a marketplace
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker, Supabase, AWS
💬 Ask me about Node.js, React, Firebase... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game LOL FIFA4
🔭 I’m currently working on a marketplace
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker, Supabase, AWS
💬 Ask me about Node.js, React, Firebase... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game LOL FIFA4
Forked from molimat/YOLOv4-Counter-in-TF
An implementation of a tracker using yolov4, tf and sort_tracker. (still in development)
Forked from jiachenli94/Awesome-Interaction-Aware-Trajectory-Prediction
A selection of state-of-the-art research materials on trajectory prediction
Forked from nimaltd/LCD-Character
4 Pin LCD character Library for STM32 HAL
Forked from stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32
STM32 core support for Arduino