Gosling.js is a declarative grammar for interactive (epi)genomics visualization on the Web.
Warning Please be aware that the grammar of Gosling.js is subject to change before the v1.0.0 release.
The Gosling's key features compared to existing visualization libraries and grammars are as follows:
Encoding/Data Scalability: Gosling scales from whole genomes to single nucleotides via semantic zooming that updates visual encodings dynamically and by using the rendering and data access capabilities of our HiGlass genomics visualization framework.
Expressiveness: Gosling is designed to be expressive enough to generate pretty much any visualization of genome-mapped data, which we accomplished by basing the grammar on our taxonomy of (epi)genomics data visualizations.
Interactivity: Gosling has intuitive and effective user interactions built in, including zooming and panning and brushing and linking. This enables flexible visualizations that cover a wide range of visual analysis scenarios, like overview + detail views with brushes or comparative views.
We welcome and greatly appreciate your contribution to this project! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md to find guidelines.
- Open Github Issues to ask questions or request features.
- Sehi L'Yi (@sehi_lyi | sehi_lyi@hms.harvard.edu)
- Qianwen Wang (@WangQianwenToo | qianwen_wang@hms.harvard.edu)
- Fritz Lekschas (@flekschas | lekschas.de)
- Trevor Manz (@trevmanz | trevor_manz@g.harvard.edu)
- Nils Gehlenborg (@ngehlenborg | nils@hms.harvard.edu)
author = {L'Yi, Sehi and Wang, Qianwen and Lekschas, Fritz and Gehlenborg, Nils},
doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2021.3114876},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
month = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {140--150},
title = {{Gosling: A Grammar-based Toolkit forScalable and Interactive Genomics Data Visualization}},
year = {2022}
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.