Debounce or throttle your actions in Elm and take control of when and how often they are performed.
The best way to understand the utility of this package is to play with the examples.
Simply follow 7 easy steps as described in the annotated resize example below.
module Resize exposing (main)
import Browser as B
import Browser.Events as BE
-- STEP 1:
-- Import the module.
import Debouncer exposing (Debouncer)
import Html as H
import Html.Attributes as HA
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ raw : List Event
, debounced : List Event
-- STEP 2:
-- Add a debouncer.
, debouncer : Debouncer Event
type alias Event =
{ width : Int
, height : Int
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
-- STEP 3:
-- Initialize the debouncer.
( Model [] [] Debouncer.init
, Cmd.none
-- STEP 4:
-- Configure the debouncer.
debouncerConfig : Debouncer.Config Event Msg
debouncerConfig =
{ wait = 500
, onReady = ReadyToUseSize
, onChange = ChangedDebouncer
type Msg
= ResizedWindow Int Int
| ReadyToUseSize Event
| ChangedDebouncer Debouncer.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ResizedWindow w h ->
event =
Event w h
-- STEP 5:
-- Call the debouncer every time the raw event occurs.
( debouncer, cmd ) = debouncerConfig event model.debouncer
( { model | raw = event :: model.raw, debouncer = debouncer }
, cmd
-- STEP 6:
-- Handle changes to the debouncer.
ChangedDebouncer debouncerMsg ->
( debouncer, cmd ) =
Debouncer.update debouncerConfig debouncerMsg model.debouncer
( { model | debouncer = debouncer }
, cmd
-- STEP 7:
-- Finally, perform the action you've been delaying.
ReadyToUseSize event ->
( { model | debounced = event :: model.debounced }
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
BE.onResize ResizedWindow
view : Model -> H.Html msg
view { raw, debounced } =
viewFrame raw debounced
viewFrame : List Event -> List Event -> H.Html msg
viewFrame raw debounced =
H.div [ HA.class "frame" ]
[ H.div [ HA.class "frame__item" ]
[ viewPanel "Raw events" raw
, H.div [ HA.class "frame__item" ]
[ viewPanel "Debounced events" debounced
viewPanel : String -> List Event -> H.Html msg
viewPanel title events =
H.div [ HA.class "panel" ] <|
H.h2 [] [ H.text title ]
:: viewEvent events
viewEvent : Event -> H.Html msg
viewEvent { width, height } =
H.p [] [ H.text <| String.fromInt width ++ " x " ++ String.fromInt height ]
- Debouncing and Throttling Explained Through Examples
- Lodash's debounce and throttle functions