A protocol for exchanging diffKeys and a seed to an identity document (multi-writer dTree), between one device and another.
npm install @dwebid/simple-identity-exchange-protocol
import SIEP from '@dwebid/simple-identity-exchange-protocol'
let seed = null
let remoteDiffKey = null
// true means Device A is the initiator
const a = new SIEP(true, {
// make sure the connection with Device B is encrypted and that there is a NOISE handshake
encrypted: true
noise: true
// listen for the handshake to finalize and react to it
onhandshake() {
a.open(1, { deviceId: keyHere })
// listen for a verify message and react to it.
onverify (channel, message) {
// retrieve type from message
const verificationType = message.type
if (verificationType === "device-verification") {
// send the secret shown on the screen of Device B
a.prove(channel, { secret: 777777 })
// listen for a releaseseed message and react to it.
onreleaseseed (channel, message) {
// Extract seed from message sent by Device B
seed = message.seed
// listen for a wantkey message and react to it.
onwantkey (channel, message) {
// save Device A's dTree diffKey into a constant
const dMessengerDbDiffKey = db.diffKey
// provide the key that Device B asked for in their `wantkey` message
a.provideKey(channel, {
identifier: "dmessenger",
diffKey: dMessengerDbDiffKey
// listen for a providekey message and react to it
onprovidekey (channel, message) {
// Extract the diffKey from the message sent by Device B
remoteDiffKey = message.diffKey
import SIEP from '@dwebid/simple-identity-exchange-protocol'
let seed = null
let remoteDiffKey = nulll
let verified = false
// false means Device B is the receiver
const b = new SIEP(false, {
// make sure the connection to Device A is encrypted
encrypted: true
// listen for an open message and react to it
onopen (channel, message) {
console.log(`Connection opened with deviceID ${message.deviceId} on channel # ${channel}`)
// when Device A opens the connection, we send a verify message immediately back to device A, letting it
// know which type of verification is required.
b.verify(channel, { type: 'device-verification' })
// listen for a "prove" message and react to it
onproof (channel, message) {
const secretCode = 777777
// ensure that the secret code sent in the prove message, is the secretCode Device B is expecting.
if (message.secret ==== secretCode) {
verified = true
seed = secretEncryptionSeedHere
// since Device A verified the secret, we can now release the seed
b.releaseseed(channel, { seed: seed })
// while we're at it, lets ask Device B for their diffKey for the database related to "dmessenger"
b.wantkey(channel, { identifier: 'dmessenger' })
} else {
// listen for a providekey message and react to it
onprovidekey (channel, message) {
remoteDiffKey = message.diffKey
// listen for a wantkey message and react to it
onwantkey (channel, message) {
if (verified) {
b.providekey(channel, { identifier: 'dmessenger', diffKey: db.diffKey })
Coming soon