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A Silex skeleton project.

Up and Running

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www
nvm install v6.9.1
npm run watch

The site will be available at http://localhost:8081 from your host machine.


Config files are located in config/. The configuration provider uses the environment to determine which config file to load. The environment is determined using the APPLICATION_ENV environment variable, but defaults to vagrant. For local development, juse copy the config/local-sample.yml file to config/local.yml and update values therein.



npm is the package manager used for installing build tools as well as third-party dependencies. Configuration is located in package.json.

Run npm install to download required tools and modules.


JavaScript files are located in app/assets/js/. The main entry point for the app is app/assets/js/main.js. Scripts are compiled using webpack with the babel plugin. An example module for your reference is located at app/assets/js/modules/module.js.


SASS is used for extending CSS with new features and compiles into CSS. The SASS files are located at app/assets/scss, and the main SASS file is app/assets/scss/main.scss.

Console Commands

Xylophone uses the Symfony Console Component to perform tasks. Run app/zylophone to see a list of available commands. To create your own commands, extend the Knp\Command\Command class. An example command is located at src/Command/NamespaceCommand.php.



Migrations are stored in the src/Resource/Migration folder. Run ./app/xylophone in the app root folder to view migration commands:

  migrations:diff      Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.
  migrations:execute   Execute a single migration version up or down manually.
  migrations:generate  Generate a blank migration class.
  migrations:migrate   Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
  migrations:status    View the status of a set of migrations.
  migrations:version   Manually add and delete migration versions from the version table.

Query Repositories

The abstract query repository can be found in src/QueryRepository/. Extend it to create your own repositories. Then use them like so:

$myRepo = new Xylophone\QueryRepository\MyQueryRepo($app['db']);
$results = $myRepo->myMethod();

Routes and Controllers

Add your route definitions to app/app.php. There is a home route there for your reference:

$app->get('/', 'Xylophone\Controller\HomeController::index')

This route will direct the uri / to the index method of the 'Xylophone\Controller\HomeController' class. The bind command will allow you to reference this route in your templates like this: {{ path('home') }}.

Check out the official docs for more info.


If you want to cache a response, simply add the Cache-Control header to something like s-maxage=3600, public. The standard setup will use the cache folder to store response and serve responses from there without having to bootstrap the app.



Twig templates should be placed in frontend/twig. Render a template using $app['twig']->render('filename.html.twig', ['mykey' => 'myvalue']);.

Global Variables
debug         Boolean containing the application debug state
js_filename   dynamically revisioned name of the compiled JavaScript modules
css_filename  dynamically revisioned name of the compiled SASS files

Unit Tests

Put your phpunit tests in the tests/ folder. Extend the \Xylophone\Test\AbstractTestCase class in order to have access to things like the web crawler. Here's an example:

use \Xylophone\Test\AbstractTestCase;

class SomeTest extends AbstractTestCase
    public function testSomething()
        $client = $this->createClient();
        $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/');
        $this->assertCount(1, $crawler->filter('h1:contains("Hello World")'));

Check out the official documentation for more info.


The logging service is available by using $app['monolog']. The log files reside in app/logs/. Here are some examples:

$app['monolog']->info('script started');
$app['monolog']->error('Failed to call function', ['key', $value]);


A Silex skeleton project







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