Learning goals
-Manipulate the DOM to reflect user behavior
-Use event listeners to promote user engagement (like/dislike button and submission form)
-Welcome to SMASH or TRASH where you get a first hand look at the top 5 movies…ever, and get to share whether you think they are SMASH, or need to be TRASHed. If they’re trash, upload your favorite movie and let the public know what you think should be a top 5 movie…ever.
What we will be demonstrating:
-Click the movie poster to display movie details //GET
-Double click the like to add a like that persists //PATCH
-Double click the dislike to add a dislike that persists //PATCH
-Submits a favorite movie to the page using a form that persists //POST
-Stretch goal: Adds a comment to a movie //PATCH
Open two terminals and input commands below:
$ json-server --watch db.json
$ open index.html