A tool for automating the verification of dynamic grid compliance requirements for solar, wind, and storage farms (Power Park Modules - PPM) as well as synchronous machines (SM), including:
- validation of RMS models (a.k.a. "phasor models") for PPM
- verification of electric performance requirements for both PPM and SM
The tool is pre-configured to use the tests required by the French connection network code (i.e., those of RTE's DTR Fiches "I"), but it can be easily configured and extended to run other tests.
(c) 2023—24 RTE
Developed by Grupo AIA
- Overview
- DGCV Installation
- Quick start
- Running examples
- Configuration
- Compiling Modelica models
- For developers
- Roadmap
- Contact
The Dynamic Grid Compliance Verification tool (DGCV for short) is designed to automate most tasks related to the validation of RMS models, in the context of compliance requirements for new generation facilities. It contemplates model validation properly speaking (i.e., "does the model and its parameterization match the actual behavior?"), as well as electric performance requirements testing (i.e., "does the behavior, either measured or simulated, pass the grid code requirements for connection?").
The tool is built with Python. Internally it is structured as a series of independent tests, each producing its own report in PDF. These tests correspond to the Fiches I* in RTE's DTR document. To be specific, they contain the following tests:
- Electric Performance tests (Synchronous Machines): Fiches I2 (except stability margin calculations), I3, I4, I6, I7, I8, and I10.
- Electric Performance tests (Power Park Modules): Fiches I2, I5, I6, I7, and I10.
- RMS Model Validation tests (Power Park Modules): Fiche I16, structured into:
- Zone 1 (converter-level): Fault Ride-Through, Setpoint steps, Grid Frequency ramps, and Grid Voltage step.
- Zone 3 (plant-level): Voltage Regulation behavior (like I2), Fault Ride-Through (like I5), Voltage-dip Ride-Through (like I6), Voltage-swell Ride-Through (like I7), and Islanding (like I10).
Correspondingly, the results directory is structured along these lines.
Usually, the inputs are simply three files: the DYD and PAR files
corresponding to the Dynaωo model on
the producer's side (i.e., everything "left" of the connection point, the PDR
bus), and an INI file containing the parameters and metadata that cannot be
provided in the DYD/PAR files. See the available examples in the examples
directory, at the top level of the git repository. For more information about
these files, consult the User Manual.
Additionally, in the case of Model Validation, the user must also provide the reference curves for each test, against which the simulated curves will be compared. They should be provided as a CSV file and a DICT file that describes the format. For more information about these files, consult the User Manual.
In the case of Electric Performance testing, the user has also the option of providing test curves, either to be used instead of Dynaωo simulations, or to be used along Dynaωo simulations (just for plotting both and comparing them).
The requirements at the OS-level are rather minimal: one just needs a recent Linux distribution in which you should install Dynaωo's requirements, plus LaTeX and Python. If you do not have any strong preference, we would recommend Debian 12 or higher, as well as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher.
To be more specific, we explicitly list here the packages to be installed, assuming a Debian/Ubuntu system:
Install the following packages, required by Dynaωo:
apt install curl unzip gcc g++ cmake
Install these LaTeX packages:
apt install texlive-base texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended \ texlive-latex-extra texlive-science texlive-lang-french latexmk
Install a basic Python installation (version 3.9 or higher), containing at least
and thevenv
module:apt install python3-minimal python3-pip python3-venv
Install git (the current installer relies on building the Python package from sources):
apt install git
Note that the tool itself is a Python package. However, this package and all of
its dependencies (NumPy, etc.) will get installed at the user-level, i.e.,
inside the user's $HOME
directory, under a Python virtual environment.
Choose a base directory of your choice and run the following command:
curl -L https://github.com/dynawo/dyn-grid-compliance-verification/releases/download/v0.8.0/linux_install.sh | bash
This script will install the DGCV tool, together with a matching version of Dynaωo, under your current directory in
. It will do so by cloning the latest stable release and building & installing the application (and all of its dependencies, such as NumPy, etc.) under a Python virtual environment. -
Next, you must activate the virtual environment that has just been created:
source $PWD/dgcv/activate_dgcv
The tool is used via a single command
having several subcommands. Quickly check that your installation is working by running the help option, which will show you all available subcommands:dgcv -h
Upon the first use, the tool will automatically compile the Modelica models internally defined by the tool. You can also run this command explicitly, as follows:
dgcv compile
(Note: this command is also used to compile any new Modelica models custom-defined by the user; see the section below on Compiling Modelica models.)
The dgcv application is now ready to use.
The Windows installer described here will install not only the DGCV tool, but also all of the other requirements for you. Read the next section if you are interested in the details of what is installed in the Operating System (Dynawo, C++ compiler, Python, LaTeX).
Download the DGCV's Windows Installer.
In order to install the application, it is essential that the user has administrator rights. If the user is an administrator, there are no problems in unblocking the executable:
Next, execute the downloaded installer:
This executable will install the DGCV tool, together with a matching version of Dynawo, under the selected directory (default installation path:
). It will do this by copying the latest stable version and compiling and installing the application (and all its dependencies, such as NumPy, etc.) into a Python virtual environment. The installer will also install any third-party applications required for the proper functioning of the tool.The MikTex installer allows you to select the configuration that you want to apply. For the tool to work correctly, you must select the "Yes" or "Ask me first" option on the following screen:
Next, you must activate the virtual environment that has just been created by double-clicking on the DGCV.bat file that has been created on the desktop.
This action will open a new Command Prompt with the virtual environment activated where the tool can be used. To finish using the tool, you only need to close the Command Prompt.
The tool is used via a single command
having several subcommands. Quickly check that your installation is working by running the help option, which will show you all available subcommands:dgcv -h
Upon the first use, the tool will automatically compile the Modelica models internally defined by the tool. You can also run this command explicitly, as follows:
dgcv compile
(Note: this command is also used to compile any new Modelica models custom-defined by the user; see the section below on Compiling Modelica models.)
The dgcv application is now ready to use.
The Windows installer (described in the previous section) will install all of these system requirements for you. This is only here for your information, in case you would rather install any of these components yourself. After you have installed all this, you should still use the Windows installer to install the DGCV tool (it will skip installing any of these OS requirements if they are already installed).
The requirements of the DGCV tool at the OS-level are rather minimal: one just needs a recent Windows distribution in which you should install Dynaωo (and its requirements), LaTeX, and Python. If you do not have any strong preference, we would recommend Windows 10 or higher.
To be more specific, we explicitly list here the packages to be installed:
Install Dynaωo (v1.7.0 or later) and its required packages: Dynaωo is a simulation platform required by this tool. Follow the steps outlined in the official Dynaωo installation guide at Dynawo Installation Guide.
- Nightly Version: Download the Nightly version of Dynawo from the repository to ensure you have the latest features and updates.
- During installation, you will also need the following tools:
- CMake: CMake is used to configure the build process for Dynawo. Download it from cmake.org.
- Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019: the Visual Studio compiler is required to compile custom Modelica models in Dynawo. You can download the free Community Edition of these tools from here. During the installation, select only the "Desktop development with C++" workload.
Install LaTeX. You can choose between these two LaTeX distributions:
- MiKTeX: Download it from MiKTeX Download.
- TeX Live: Download it from TeX Live Download.
Install a basic Python installation (version 3.9 or higher), containing at least
and thevenv
module:- Go to the official Python website.
- Download the latest version of Python 3 (ensure that you select the option to add Python to the system PATH during installation).
Note that the DGCV tool itself is a Python package. However, this package and all of its dependencies (NumPy, etc.) will get installed under a Python virtual environment.
The tool currently has different entry points, depending on what you want to use it for:
- For RMS model validation:
dgcv validate
- For electric performance verification:
dgcv performance
In this mode the tool runs a set of Model Validation tests. Some of these tests resemble those of Fiches I, while some are different. Of course, here one is validating the model, not the electric performance; therefore, it is mandatory to provide reference curves as well as a model or producer curves.
Run the command with option --help
(or -h
) to get a quick overview of the
inputs you need to provide:
usage: dgcv validate [-h] [-d] [-l LAUNCHER_DWO]
[-o RESULTS_DIR] [-od]
positional arguments:
reference_curves enter the path to the folder containing the reference
curves for the Performance Checking Sheet (PCS)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug more debug messages
-l LAUNCHER_DWO, --launcher_dwo LAUNCHER_DWO
enter the path to the Dynawo launcher
enter the path to the folder containing the
producer_model files (DYD, PAR, INI)
enter the path to the folder containing the curves for
the Performance Checking Sheet (PCS)
-p PCS, --pcs PCS enter one Performance Checking Sheet (PCS) to validate
-o RESULTS_DIR, --results_dir RESULTS_DIR
enter the path to the results dir
-od, --only_dtr validate using only the PCS defined in the DTR
In this mode the tool runs an execution pipeline consisting in a set of
pre-defined tests, those of Fiches "I" in RTE's DTR. You would use the command
dgcv performance
for Synchronous Machines and for
Power Park Modules (i.e. Wind and PV farms).
Run the command with option --help
(or -h
) to get a quick overview of the
inputs you need to provide:
usage: dgcv performance [-h] [-d] [-l LAUNCHER_DWO] [-m PRODUCER_MODEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug more debug messages
-l LAUNCHER_DWO, --launcher_dwo LAUNCHER_DWO
enter the path to the Dynawo launcher
enter the path to the folder containing the
producer_model files (DYD, PAR, INI)
enter the path to the folder containing the curves for
the Performance Checking Sheet (PCS)
-p PCS, --pcs PCS enter one Performance Checking Sheet (PCS) to validate
-o RESULTS_DIR, --results_dir RESULTS_DIR
enter the path to the results dir
-od, --only_dtr validate using only the PCS defined in the DTR
Note that, in this mode, the tool can perform the electrical performance
verification using either a user-provided Dynaωo model (running
Dynaωo simulations), or a set of user-provided curves, or both (in
which case the curves are used only for showing them on the graphs, along the
simulated curves). Therefore you must provide either a PRODUCER_MODEL
or a
directory, or both.
The options and the required format of INI and curves files are documented in the tool's User Manual. For the format of DYD and PAR files (that is, the Dynaωo model of the producer's facilities), see the Dynaωo documentation.
In the examples
folder (located at the first level inside the cloned
repository) one can find several valid input files that can be used as
dgcv validate $PWD/dgcv/examples/Model/Wind/IEC2015/ReferenceCurves -m $PWD/dgcv/examples/Model/Wind/IEC2015/Dynawo
Upon execution, the screen output should be similar to the
following. Additionally, all results will be generated in a (newly created)
results directory. PDF reports for each kind of test will be found in the 'Reports'
subdirectory within the results' directory. If run with --debug
, all Dynaωo simulations are
also preserved inside this directory, so that they can be inspected and re-run
for deeper analysis, if desired.
2024-10-11 11:27:51,765 | DGCV.ModelValidation | INFO | model_validation.py: 92 | DGCV Model Validation
2024-10-11 11:27:51,798 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientBoltedSCR3
2024-10-11 11:27:56,324 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientBoltedSCR10
2024-10-11 11:27:59,540 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientBoltedSCR3Qmin
2024-10-11 11:28:02,960 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientHiZTc800
2024-10-11 11:28:17,388 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientHiZTc500
2024-10-11 11:28:33,459 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: PermanentBolted
2024-10-11 11:28:37,575 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: PermanentHiZ
2024-10-11 11:28:50,476 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.SetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Active
2024-10-11 11:28:54,294 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.SetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Reactive
2024-10-11 11:28:57,550 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.SetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Voltage
2024-10-11 11:28:57,601 | DGCV.Dynawo | WARNING | model_parameters.py: 351 | IECWT4BCurrentSource2015 control mode will be changed
2024-10-11 11:29:01,219 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.GridFreqRamp, OPER. COND.: W500mHz250ms
2024-10-11 11:29:04,795 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.GridVoltageStep, OPER. COND.: Rise
2024-10-11 11:29:08,083 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z1.GridVoltageStep, OPER. COND.: Drop
2024-10-11 11:29:11,629 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.USetPointStep, OPER. COND.: AReactance
2024-10-11 11:29:11,694 | DGCV.Dynawo | WARNING | model_parameters.py: 351 | IECWPP4BCurrentSource2015 control mode will be changed
2024-10-11 11:29:15,820 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.USetPointStep, OPER. COND.: BReactance
2024-10-11 11:29:15,871 | DGCV.Dynawo | WARNING | model_parameters.py: 351 | IECWPP4BCurrentSource2015 control mode will be changed
2024-10-11 11:29:19,563 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.PSetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Dec40
2024-10-11 11:29:23,539 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.PSetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Inc40
2024-10-11 11:29:27,268 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.QSetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Inc10
2024-10-11 11:29:30,366 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.QSetPointStep, OPER. COND.: Dec20
2024-10-11 11:29:33,440 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientBolted
2024-10-11 11:29:40,400 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.GridVoltageDip, OPER. COND.: Qzero
2024-10-11 11:29:46,410 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.GridVoltageSwell, OPER. COND.: QMax
2024-10-11 11:29:51,451 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.GridVoltageSwell, OPER. COND.: QMin
2024-10-11 11:29:56,347 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I16z3.Islanding, OPER. COND.: DeltaP10DeltaQ4
2024-10-11 11:29:58,116 | DGCV.Dynawo | WARNING | simulator.py: 892 | Simulation Fails, logs in Results/Model/PCS_RTE-I16z3/Islanding/DeltaP10DeltaQ4/outputs/logs/dynawo.log
2024-10-11 11:30:47,926 | DGCV.PDFLatex | WARNING | figure.py: 507 | All curves appear to be flat in PCS_RTE-I16z1.GridFreqRamp.W500mHz250ms; something must be wrong with the simulation
2024-10-11 11:31:46,592 | DGCV.Report | INFO | report.py: 273 |
Summary Report
***Run on 2024-10-11 11:31 CEST***
***Dynawo version: 1.7.0 (rev:master-4ee311a)***
***Model: examples/Model/Wind/IEC2015/Dynawo***
***Reference: examples/Model/Wind/IEC2015/ReferenceCurves***
Pcs Benchmark Operating Condition Overall Result
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault TransientBoltedSCR3 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault TransientBoltedSCR10 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault TransientBoltedSCR3Qmin Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault TransientHiZTc800 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault TransientHiZTc500 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault PermanentBolted Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1ThreePhaseFault PermanentHiZ Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1SetPointStep Active Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1SetPointStep Reactive Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1SetPointStep Voltage Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1GridFreqRamp W500mHz250ms Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1GridVoltageStep Rise Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z1GridVoltageStep Drop Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3USetPointStep AReactance Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3USetPointStep BReactance Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3PSetPointStep Dec40 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3PSetPointStep Inc40 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3QSetPointStep Inc10 Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3QSetPointStep Dec20 Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3ThreePhaseFault TransientBolted Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3GridVoltageDip Qzero Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3GridVoltageSwell QMax Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3GridVoltageSwell QMin Compliant
PCS_RTE-I16z3Islanding DeltaP10DeltaQ4 Failed simulation
2024-10-11 11:32:17,921 | DGCV.PDFLatex | INFO | report.py: 414 | PDF done: /tmp/DGCV_Results_debian/0b738550-9d10-4ead-bfc5-e03cc2bcaee5/Reports/report.tex
2024-10-11 11:32:36,547 | DGCV.ModelValidation | INFO | model_validation.py: 40 | Opening the report: Results/Model/Reports/report.pdf
Opening in existing browser session.
dgcv performance -m $PWD/dgcv/examples/SM/Dynawo/SingleAux
Upon execution, the screen output should be similar to the
following. Additionally, all results will be generated in a (newly created)
results directory. PDF reports for each kind of test will be found in the 'Reports'
subdirectory within the results' directory. If run with --debug
, all Dynaωo simulations are
also preserved inside this directory, so that they can be inspected and re-run
for deeper analysis, if desired.
2024-10-11 11:34:29,199 | DGCV.ModelValidation | INFO | model_validation.py: 76 | Electric Performance Verification for Synchronous Machines
2024-10-11 11:34:29,232 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I2.USetPointStep, OPER. COND.: AReactance
2024-10-11 11:34:29,766 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I2.USetPointStep, OPER. COND.: BReactance
2024-10-11 11:34:30,215 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I3.LineTrip, OPER. COND.: 2BReactance
2024-10-11 11:34:30,828 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I4.ThreePhaseFault, OPER. COND.: TransientBolted
2024-10-11 11:34:41,351 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I6.GridVoltageDip, OPER. COND.: Qzero
2024-10-11 11:34:42,511 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I7.GridVoltageSwell, OPER. COND.: QMax
2024-10-11 11:34:43,523 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I7.GridVoltageSwell, OPER. COND.: QMin
2024-10-11 11:34:44,482 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I8.LoadShedDisturbance, OPER. COND.: PmaxQzero
2024-10-11 11:34:44,925 | DGCV.Operating Condition | INFO | operating_condition.py: 237 | RUNNING BENCHMARK: PCS_RTE-I10.Islanding, OPER. COND.: DeltaP10DeltaQ4
2024-10-11 11:34:57,351 | DGCV.Report | INFO | report.py: 273 |
Summary Report
***Run on 2024-10-11 11:34 CEST***
***Dynawo version: 1.7.0 (rev:master-4ee311a)***
***Model: examples/SM/Dynawo/SingleAux***
Pcs Benchmark Operating Condition Overall Result
PCS_RTE-I2 USetPointStep AReactance Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I2 USetPointStep BReactance Non-compliant
PCS_RTE-I3 LineTrip 2BReactance Compliant
PCS_RTE-I4 ThreePhaseFault TransientBolted Compliant
PCS_RTE-I6 GridVoltageDip Qzero Compliant
PCS_RTE-I7 GridVoltageSwell QMax Compliant
PCS_RTE-I7 GridVoltageSwell QMin Compliant
PCS_RTE-I8 LoadShedDisturbance PmaxQzero Compliant
PCS_RTE-I10 Islanding DeltaP10DeltaQ4 Compliant
2024-10-11 11:35:08,635 | DGCV.PDFLatex | INFO | report.py: 414 | PDF done: /tmp/DGCV_Results_debian/e66c17ee-caff-4ef1-ae1f-eba5592092bb/Reports/report.tex
2024-10-11 11:35:08,797 | DGCV.ModelValidation | INFO | model_validation.py: 40 | Opening the report: Results/Performance/Reports/report.pdf
Opening in existing browser session.
The tool is configured via a config.ini
file, written in the well-known INI
format (of the Python
flavor). The location of
this file follows the customary standard of each platform for application data:
- Under Linux:
- Under Windows:
Besides the config.ini
file, there is a subfolder named ddb
, which will
contain all compiled preassembled Modelica models (see next section).
The supplied INI file contains just the options that most users of the tool would want to change, but there exist many more internal configuration options that may be overriden in this INI file. For more information about configuration, including more advanced tasks such as adding a whole new test, consult the User Manual.
The tool uses some preassembled Modelica models defined internally, and the
user may also define additional ones of his own. They should be compiled by
using the supplied script, dgcv compile
As mentioned above, all compiled models (both the tool's and the user's) will be
saved under the tool's config directory, in the ddb
subfolder. All of the
compilation output (standard output and standard error messages) will also be
logged there, in a file named compile.log
For models provided by the user, the definition files *.xml, *.mo, *.extvar
may be located anywhere, but upon compilation they will be copied to a
subfolder user_models
, sibling to the ddb
In case of upgrading the version of Dynaωo, you may want to recompile all
models. You can easily do this by running the command with only the --force
Run the command with option --help (or -h) to get a quick overview of the inputs you need to provide:
usage: dgcv compile [-h] [-d] [-l LAUNCHER_DWO] [-m DYNAWO_MODEL] [-f]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug more debug messages
-l LAUNCHER_DWO, --launcher_dwo LAUNCHER_DWO
enter the path to the Dynawo launcher
-m DYNAWO_MODEL, --dynawo_model DYNAWO_MODEL
XML file describing a custom Modelica model
-f, --force force the recompilation of all Modelica models (the
user's and the tool's own)
Clone the repository via:
git clone https://github.com/dynawo/dyn-grid-compliance-verification dgcv_repo
(you may of course use any name for the top-level directory, here
.) -
Get into the repository and run the shell script named
. This builds the Python package, creates a Python virtual environment under the subdirectorydgcv_venv
, and installs the package into it (together with all the necessary library dependencies, such as NumPy, etc.). -
Next, you must activate the virtual environment that has just been created:
source dgcv_venv/bin/activate
The tool is used via a single command
having several subcommands. Quickly check that your installation is working by running the help option, which will show you all available subcommands:dgcv -h
Upon the first use, the tool will automatically compile the Modelica models internally defined by the tool. You can also run this command explicitly, as follows:
dgcv compile
(Note: this command is also used to compile any new Modelica models custom-defined by the user; see the section below on Compiling Modelica models.)
The dgcv application is now ready to use.
Clone the Repository The first step is to clone the repository to your local machine. Using GitHub Desktop:
- Open GitHub Desktop and click File > Clone repository.
- Enter the following URL to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dynawo/dyn-grid-compliance-verification dgcv_repo
(you may of course use any name for the top-level directory, here
.)- Choose a local directory where you want to save the repository and click Clone.
Set Up Virtual Environment A virtual environment is recommended to manage dependencies for the project. This ensures that the package uses the correct Python version and dependencies without affecting other projects on your system.
- Open a CMD terminal (Command Prompt) as administrator.
- Navigate to the root folder of the cloned repository using the
cd dgcv_repo
- Create a new virtual environment with:
python.exe -m venv dgcv_venv
- This will create a directory
in your repository folder.
Build the Package The next step is to compile the package into a distributable format:
python.exe -m build
- This command will create the necessary build files in the
folder of the repository. The build process might take a few minutes to complete.
- This command will create the necessary build files in the
Activate the Virtual Environment Now that the virtual environment is created, activate it to use the isolated environment:
- Once activated, your terminal prompt should change to indicate that the virtual environment is active (e.g.,
at the beginning of the prompt).
- Once activated, your terminal prompt should change to indicate that the virtual environment is active (e.g.,
Install the Package Once the package is built, you can install it using pip. Use the following command to install the
(Wheel) file generated during the build:python.exe -m pip install dist\dgcv....whl
- This will install the package into your active virtual environment.
Verify Installation After installation, verify that the tool was installed correctly by running the following command:
dgcv -h
- This should display the help message for the
tool, confirming that the installation was successful.
- This should display the help message for the
Pre-Execution Compilation Before running the tool for the first time, it's recommended to compile the tool's resources:
dgcv compile
- This step ensures that all necessary files are generated and compiled for optimal performance.
The dgcv application is now ready to use.
Finally, if you want to further develop the source code of this tool, consult the Developer Manual.
Below are the major development axis identified for dgcv in the next few months with associated contents. It is important to notice that the development content may be subject to change due to unforeseen complexity in implementing features or priority changes.
- Complete support of WECC PV and BESS models
- Support of IEC 63426 standard model ("Generic RMS simulations models of converter-based generating units")
- Analysis and report improvements
- Tutorials
- Addition of a Graphical User Interface
- Windows portability
- Consolidation of the signal processing part
- Robustness improvements
- Inclusion of on-site verification for RMS model validation
In case of any question or feedback, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail adress: rte-r-d-raccordement@rte-france.com