- The CLI tool has been made in Python
- There is no necessary installation step.
- Simply, clone the repository and you are good to go.
- All Python packages, required by the program, will get automatically installed/updated as required.
- Arguments for the CLI:
positional arguments:
- .csv filename
optional arguments:
- -h, --help -> show this help message and exit
- -u, --update -> update version
required arguments:
- -b, --branch -> brance name of Github Repository
- -v, --version -> specify the required version
How to run the tool:
open the terminal
python dyte.py <filename.csv> -h or python dyte.py <filename.csv> --help for help
- Example: python dyte.py test.csv -h or python dyte.py test.csv --help
python dyte.py <filename.csv> -b -v or python dyte.py <filename.csv> --branch --version for specifying tehe branch on which we need to check for versions, the version nyumber and in turn print the required table.
- Example: python dyte.py test.csv -b main -v 0.23.0 or python dyte.py test.csv --branch main --version 0.23.0
python dyte.py <filename.csv> -b -v -u or python dyte.py <filename.csv> --branch --version --update for specifying tehe branch on which we need to check for versions and the required pull request link, and in turn print the required table.
- Example: python dyte.py test.csv -b main -v 0.23.0 -u or python dyte.py test.csv -b main -v 0.23.0 --update
- python dyte.py test.csv -h
- python dyte.py test.csv -b main -v 0.23.0
- python dyte.py test.csv -b main -v 0.23.0 -u