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Jesse Vincent edited this page Feb 1, 2011 · 2 revisions

Preference Restructuring

Current (3.0)


  • Global Preferences Section
  • Language Spinner
  • Theme Spinner
  • Font size PreferenceScreen Configure font size
  • Account list Section * Account name Spinner * Account description Spinner
  • Folder list Section * Folder name Spinner * Folder status Spinner
  • Message list Section * Message subject Spinner * Message sender Spinner * Message date Spinner
  • Message view Section * Message sender Spinner * Message receiver (To) Spinner * Message receiver (CC) Spinner * Additional headers Spinner * Message subject Spinner * Message time Spinner * Message date Spinner * Message content Spinner
  • Date format Spinner
  • Animation CheckBox Use gaudy visual effects
  • Gestures CheckBox Accept gesture control
  • Manage "Back" button CheckBox Make "Back" always go up a level
  • Integrated Inbox on start CheckBox Show Integrated Inbox after startup
  • Account List Section
  • Show account size CheckBox Turn off for faster display
  • Count search results CheckBox Turn off for faster display
  • Message Lists Section
  • Touch-friendly view CheckBox Roomier list items with message previews
  • Message stars CheckBox Stars indicate flagged messages
  • Multi-select checkboxes CheckBox Always show multi-select checkboxes
  • Messages Section
  • Fixed-width fonts CheckBox Use a fixed-width font when showing plain-text messages
  • Return to list after delete CheckBox Return to message list after message deletion
  • Sync Section
  • Background sync Spinner
  • Miscellaneous Section
  • Use Gallery bug work-around CheckBox Show buttons to add image/video attachments (to work around a Gallery-
  • Debugging Section
  • Enable debug logging CheckBox Log extra diagnostic information
  • Log sensitive information CheckBox May show passwords in logs

Account settings (wrong title: General settings)

  • General settings Section
  • Account name Spinner
  • Default account CheckBox Send mail from this account by default
  • Listing messages Section
  • Number of messages to- Spinner
  • Account color ColorPicker Choose the color of the account used in folder and account list
  • Notification LED color ColorPicker Choose the color your phone LED should blink for this account
  • Viewing messages Section
  • Scroll navigation buttons Spinner
  • Enable move buttons CheckBox Show the Archive, Move, and Spam buttons
  • Scroll move buttons Spinner
  • Syncing folders Section
  • Folder poll check frequen- Spinner
  • Sync messages from Spinner
  • Automatically download Spinner
  • Folders to check with poll Spinner
  • Folders to check with push Spinner
  • When I delete a message Spinner
  • Expunge messages Spinner
  • Sync remote deletions CheckBox
  • Incoming server PreferenceScreen Configure the incoming mail server
  • Username EditText
  • Password EditText
  • IMAP server EditText
  • Security type Spinner
  • Authentication type Spinner
  • Port EditText
  • IMAP path prefix EditText
  • Archive folder name FolderSelect
  • Drafts folder name FolderSelect
  • Sent folder name FolderSelect
  • Spam folder name FolderSelect
  • Trash folder name FolderSelect
  • Outbox folder name EditText
  • Show only subscribed folders CheckBox
  • Use compression on network: CheckBox [ ] Mobile [ ] Wi-Fi [ ] Other
  • Save all headers locally CheckBox
  • Poll when connecting for push CheckBox
  • Refresh IDLE connection Spinner
  • Max folders to check with push Spinner
  • Folders Section
  • Auto-expand folder FolderSelect
  • Folders to display Spinner
  • Move/copy destination fol- Spinner
  • Folders to search Spinner
  • Writing messages Section
  • Composition defaults PreferenceScreen Set your default From, Bcc and signature
  • Your name EditText
  • Your email address EditText
  • Bcc all mssages to EditText
  • Use Signature CheckBox
  • Signature position RadioGroup
  • Manage identities ManageIdentities Set up alternate 'From' addresses and signatures
  • Identity description EditText
  • Your name EditText
  • Email address EditText
  • Reply-to adddress EditText
  • Use Signature CheckBox
  • Outgoing server PreferenceScreen Configure the outgoing mail (SMTP) server
  • SMTP server EditText
  • Security type Spinner
  • Port EditText
  • Require sign-in CheckBox
  • Authentication type Spinner
  • Username EditText
  • Password EditText
  • Quote prefix Spinner
  • Cryptography Section
  • OpenPGP Provider Spinner
  • Auto-sign CheckBox
  • Notifications Section
  • New mail notifications CheckBox Notify in status bar when mail arrives
  • Notify for mail I sent CheckBox Notify even for mail sent from an account identity
  • New mail ringtone Spinner
  • Vibrate CheckBox Vibrate when mail arrives
  • Vibrate patterns Spinner
  • Number of Vibrates Dialog
  • Sync notifications CheckBox Notify in status bar while mail is checked
  • Notification opens unrea- CheckBox

Folder settings

  • FOLDER NAME Section
  • Show in top group CheckBox Show near the top of the folder list
  • Folder display class Spinner
  • Folder sync class Spinner
  • Folder push class Spinner
  • Integrate CheckBox Unread messages are shown in Integrated Inbox



Account settings

Folder settings


I'd like to move

  • Viewing messages Section
  • Scroll navigation buttons Spinner
  • Enable move buttons CheckBox Show the Archive, Move, and Spam buttons
  • Scroll move buttons Spinner into the Preferences. I see little use in setting those per account. A user who wants a particular interface will want that for all email accounts. They likely also would benefit from better names/descriptions and should be grouped into a section with other interface-defining preferences. -- thialfihar This might confuse users who only have POP3 accounts. -- cketti

It'd be nice to have

  • Archive folder name FolderSelect
  • Drafts folder name FolderSelect
  • Sent folder name FolderSelect
  • Spam folder name FolderSelect
  • Trash folder name FolderSelect
  • Outbox folder name EditText directly in Account settings. If that is problematic for some reason (POP/IMAP differences or somesuch), then perhaps "Incoming server" should get a better name and indicate somehow that the folder mapping can be found there. -- thialfihar

We could create a dedicated Notification settings PreferenceScreen to gather all notification related settings and make it reference from:

  • Preferences:

  • Notification Section

  • Notification settings PreferenceScreen Configure global notification settings

  • Account settings:

  • Notification Section

  • Enable account specific settings CheckBox Override global notification settings

  • Notification settings PreferenceScreen Configure account specific notification settings

That would require additional work in order to make notification settings independent of the "notification aware object" while not duplicating code. Doing so would help users willing to use the same notification settings for several accounts -- fiouzy +1 -- cketti

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