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feat(runner-playwright): update dependency playwright-bdd to v7 #5362

feat(runner-playwright): update dependency playwright-bdd to v7

feat(runner-playwright): update dependency playwright-bdd to v7 #5362

GitHub Actions / Report - Unit Tests - A11y succeeded Aug 25, 2024 in 1s

Report - Unit Tests - A11y ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ packages/a11y/reports/junit-report.xml

65 tests were completed in 33s with 65 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
1-image 3✅ 5s
2-frame 4✅ 8s
5-table 8✅ 14s
6-link 2✅ 3s
8-required-element 13✅ 21s
CoverageHelper 1✅ 676ms
Query - AccessibleName 2✅ 3s
Query - ByRole 4✅ 4s
Query - BySibling 4✅ 5s
Query - ByTag 2✅ 5s
Query - CompliantAttributes 5✅ 7s
Query - Doctype 2✅ 2s
Query - Or Operator 4✅ 6s
Reference - RGAA 3✅ 5s
Result 3✅ 6s
SelectorHelper 5✅ 217ms

✅ 1-image

1-image 1.1 - should find errors
  ✅ 1-image 1.1 - should find errors
1-image 1.1 - should find success
  ✅ 1-image 1.1 - should find success
1-image 1.1 - should find manual
  ✅ 1-image 1.1 - should find manual

✅ 2-frame

2-frame 2.1 should return results for iframe
  ✅ 2-frame 2.1 should return results for iframe
2-frame 2.2 should return results for iframe
  ✅ 2-frame 2.2 should return results for iframe
2-frame 2.1 should return results for frame
  ✅ 2-frame 2.1 should return results for frame
2-frame 2.2 should return results for frame
  ✅ 2-frame 2.2 should return results for frame

✅ 5-table

5-table 5.1 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.1 should return results
5-table 5.2 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.2 should return results
5-table 5.3 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.3 should return results
5-table 5.4 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.4 should return results
5-table 5.5 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.5 should return results
5-table 5.6 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.6 should return results
5-table 5.7 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.7 should return results
5-table 5.8 should return results
  ✅ 5-table 5.8 should return results

✅ 6-link

6-link 6.1 should return results
  ✅ 6-link 6.1 should return results
6-link 6.2 should return results
  ✅ 6-link 6.2 should return results

✅ 8-required-element

8-required-element 8.1 should return results for 'without-doctype.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.1 should return results for 'without-doctype.html'
8-required-element 8.1 should return results for 'doctype-after-html.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.1 should return results for 'doctype-after-html.html'
8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-without-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-without-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-xml-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.3 should return results for 'html-xml-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.4 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.4 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.4 should return results for 'html-xml-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.4 should return results for 'html-xml-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.5 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.5 should return results for 'html-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.5 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.5 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
8-required-element 8.6 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.6 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
8-required-element 8.7 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.7 should return results for 'html-with-title.html'
8-required-element 8.8 should return results for 'html-multi-lang.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.8 should return results for 'html-multi-lang.html'
8-required-element 8.10 should return results for 'dir.html'
  ✅ 8-required-element 8.10 should return results for 'dir.html'

✅ CoverageHelper

CoverageHelper should execute without error
  ✅ CoverageHelper should execute without error

✅ Query - AccessibleName

Query - AccessibleName should return elements for empty accessible name
  ✅ Query - AccessibleName should return elements for empty accessible name
Query - AccessibleName should return elements for not empty accessible name
  ✅ Query - AccessibleName should return elements for not empty accessible name

✅ Query - ByRole

Query - ByRole should return elements with only role specified
  ✅ Query - ByRole should return elements with only role specified
Query - ByRole should return elements with role and attributes specified
  ✅ Query - ByRole should return elements with role and attributes specified
Query - ByRole should return elements with role and tags specified
  ✅ Query - ByRole should return elements with role and tags specified
Query - ByRole should return elements with role, attributes and tags specified
  ✅ Query - ByRole should return elements with role, attributes and tags specified

✅ Query - BySibling

Query - BySibling should return elements with sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is focusable
  ✅ Query - BySibling should return elements with sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is focusable
Query - BySibling should return elements without sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is focusable
  ✅ Query - BySibling should return elements without sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is focusable
Query - BySibling should return elements with sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is not focusable
  ✅ Query - BySibling should return elements with sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is not focusable
Query - BySibling should return elements without sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is not focusable
  ✅ Query - BySibling should return elements without sibling 'button' or 'a' when htmlElement is not focusable

✅ Query - ByTag

Query - ByTag should return elements for unique selector
  ✅ Query - ByTag should return elements for unique selector
Query - ByTag should return elements for multiple selector
  ✅ Query - ByTag should return elements for multiple selector

✅ Query - CompliantAttributes

Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not empty accessible name
  ✅ Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not empty accessible name
Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not unique id
  ✅ Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not unique id
Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not equals attribute
  ✅ Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for not equals attribute
Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for equals attribute
  ✅ Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for equals attribute
Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for accessibleNameNotContainsVisibleText attribute
  ✅ Query - CompliantAttributes should return elements for accessibleNameNotContainsVisibleText attribute

✅ Query - Doctype

Query - Doctype should return element for doctype-ko.html
  ✅ Query - Doctype should return element for doctype-ko.html
Query - Doctype should return no element for doctype-ok.html
  ✅ Query - Doctype should return no element for doctype-ok.html

✅ Query - Or Operator

Query - Or Operator should return elements with specific tag or role
  ✅ Query - Or Operator should return elements with specific tag or role
Query - Or Operator should return elements without duplicates
  ✅ Query - Or Operator should return elements without duplicates
Query - And Operator should return elements with specific tag and role
  ✅ Query - And Operator should return elements with specific tag and role
Query - And Operator should not return element
  ✅ Query - And Operator should not return element

✅ Reference - RGAA

Reference - RGAA should return some results
  ✅ Reference - RGAA should return some results
Reference - RGAA should be ok when only one auto criteria is enabled
  ✅ Reference - RGAA should be ok when only one auto criteria is enabled
Reference - RGAA should be ok when only one manual criteria is enabled
  ✅ Reference - RGAA should be ok when only one manual criteria is enabled

✅ Result

Result compute returns success only if all validations are successful
  ✅ Result compute returns success only if all validations are successful
Result compute should returns error if one validation have failed
  ✅ Result compute should returns error if one validation have failed
Result compute should returns manual if one validation is manual
  ✅ Result compute should returns manual if one validation is manual

✅ SelectorHelper

SelectorHelper buildSelectorsWithAttributes
  ✅ SelectorHelper buildSelectorsWithAttributes
SelectorHelper buildSelector with empty attributes
  ✅ SelectorHelper buildSelector with empty attributes
SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override selector
  ✅ SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override selector
SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override mutiple selectors and role
  ✅ SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override mutiple selectors and role
SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override multiple selectors
  ✅ SelectorHelper buildSelectors with override multiple selectors