Angular - Employees
The purpose of this application is to demonstrate AngularJS. A snapshot, this application allows the user to add and remove employees from a Google Firebase database. The application also allows the
To install this project to your computer follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your computer by typing 'git clone' into the terminal.
Once cloned, use the terminal to navigate to the 'angular-employees' folder. This is where the index.html file is stored.
Type the command 'http-server' into the terminal to run the application
Use your preferred web browser to navigate and enter '' into the url address. The application should show in the web browser.
Dependencies are managed with NPM. To update dependencies for this project, navigate in the terminal to the 'lib' folder and type the command 'npm install'. This will update dependencies listed in the package.json file if any.
- AngularJS - The web framework used
- Google Firebase - The database used
- Erin Agobert