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easyw committed Sep 12, 2017
0 parents commit 64669ad
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Showing 62 changed files with 103,883 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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*.cs diff=csharp

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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Windows image file caches

# Folder config file

# Recycle Bin used on file shares

# Windows Installer files

# Windows shortcuts

# Python executable

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# Operating System Files
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# Thumbnails

# Files that might appear in the root of a volume

# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#* *
#* Kicad STEPUP (TM) (3D kicad board and models to STEP) for FreeCAD *
#* 3D exporter for FreeCAD *
#* Kicad STEPUP TOOLS (TM) (3D kicad board and models to STEP) for FreeCAD *
#* Copyright (c) 2015 *
#* Maurice *
#* *
#* Kicad STEPUP (TM) is a TradeMark and cannot be freely useable *
#* *

# two options for IDF added by Milos Koutny (12-Feb-2010)
#FreeCAD.addImportType("Kicad pcb board/mod File Type (*.kicad_pcb *.emn *.kicad_mod)","kicadStepUptools")
# ___ver___ = ""
## idf import dropped

FreeCAD.addImportType("Kicad pcb board/mod File Type (*.kicad_pcb *.kicad_mod)","kicadStepUptools")
#FreeCAD.addImportType("IDF emp File Type (*.emp)","Import_Emp")
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#* *
#* Kicad STEPUP (TM) (3D kicad board and models to STEP) for FreeCAD *
#* 3D exporter for FreeCAD *
#* Kicad STEPUP TOOLS (TM) (3D kicad board and models to STEP) for FreeCAD *
#* Copyright (c) 2015 *
#* Maurice *
#* *
#* Kicad STEPUP (TM) is a TradeMark and cannot be freely useable *
#* *

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part, os, sys
import ksu_locator
from kicadStepUpCMD import *

ksuWBpath = os.path.dirname(ksu_locator.__file__)
#sys.path.append(ksuWB + '/Gui')
ksuWB_icons_path = os.path.join( ksuWBpath, 'Resources', 'icons')

global main_ksu_Icon
main_ksu_Icon = os.path.join( ksuWB_icons_path , 'kicad-StepUp-tools-WB.svg')

# from FreeCADGui import Workbench
#except ImportError as e:
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("error")

class ksuWB ( Workbench ):
global main_ksu_Icon

"kicad StepUp WB object"
Icon = main_ksu_Icon
#Icon = ":Resources/icons/kicad-StepUp-tools-WB.svg"
MenuText = "kicad StepUp WB"
ToolTip = "kicad StepUp workbench"

def GetClassName(self):
return "Gui::PythonWorkbench"

def Initialize(self):
import kicadStepUpCMD
submenu = ['demo.kicad_pcb','d-pak.kicad_mod', 'demo-sketch.FCStd', 'demo.step', 'kicadStepUp-cheat-sheet.pdf', 'kicad-3D-to-MCAD.pdf' ]
dirs = self.ListDemos()

#self.appendToolbar("ksu Tools", ["ksuTools"])
self.appendToolbar("ksu Tools", ["ksuTools","ksuToolsOpenBoard","ksuToolsLoadFootprint",\
"ksuToolsExportModel","ksuToolsPushPCB","ksuToolsCollisions", \

#self.appendMenu("ksu Tools", ["ksuTools","ksuToolsEdit"])
self.appendMenu("ksu Tools", ["ksuTools"])
self.appendMenu(["ksu Tools", "Demo"], submenu)

Log ("Loading ksuModule... done\n")

def Activated(self):
# do something here if needed...
Msg ("ksuWB.Activated()\n")

def Deactivated(self):
# do something here if needed...
Msg ("ksuWB.Deactivated()\n")
def ListDemos():
import os
import ksu_locator

dirs = []
# List all of the example files in an order that makes sense
module_base_path = ksu_locator.module_path()
demo_dir_path = os.path.join(module_base_path, 'demo')
dirs = os.listdir(demo_dir_path)

return dirs


dirs = ksuWB.ListDemos()
#FreeCADGui.addCommand('ksuWBOpenDemo', ksuOpenDemo())
#dirs = ksuWB.ListDemos()
for curFile in dirs:
FreeCADGui.addCommand(curFile, ksuExcDemo(curFile))

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@


[![forthebadge made-with-python](](

KiCad **StepUp tools** are a FreeCAD Macro and a FreeCAD WorkBench to help in **Mechanical Collaboration** between **KiCad EDA** and **FreeCAD** or a **Mechanical CAD**.

**KiCad StepUp features:**

- **load kicad board and parts in FreeCAD and export it to STEP** (or IGES) for a full ECAD MCAD collaboration
- **load kicad_mod footprint in FreeCAD to easy and precisely align**** the mechanical model to kicad footprint**
- **convert the STEP 3D model of parts, board, enclosure to VRML with Materials properties** for the best use in kicad
- **check interference and collisions** for enclosure and footprint design
- **design a new pcb Edge with FreeCAD Sketcher and PUSH it to an existing kicad_pcb Board**
- **PULL a pcb Edge from a kicad_pcb Board**, edit it in FC Sketcher and PUSH it back to kicad
- **generate Blender compatible VRML files**

Please see [KiCad Info forum]( or [FreeCAD forum]( to discuss or report issues regarding this Addon.



Download and install your corresponding version of FreeCAD from [wiki Download page]( and either install

- automatically using the [FreeCAD Add-on Manager]( (bundled in to 0.17 dev version under Tools Menu)
- manually by copying the kicadStepUpMod folder to the Mod sub-directory of the FreeCAD application.

### Requirements

- **FreeCAD** 0.15 4671 or **0.16 >= 6712** or **0.17 >= 11707**

### License

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions Resources/icons/Sketcher_Rectangle.svg
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