This is just a simple library to solve simple cryptarithmetic problems.
You just call a single function solve
For example to solve this:
You'd just have to call the solve
function like so:
(solve '(S E N D)
'(M O R E)
'(M O N E Y))
This returns a (lazy) stream of solutions:
Most good crytarithmetic problems usually have a unique solution.
To get a solution just use the standard racket/stream
(define s
(solve '(S E N D)
'(M O R E)
'(M O N E Y)))
(stream-first s)
And sure enough, you'd get:
'((M . 1)
(N . 6)
(O . 0)
(Y . 2)
(D . 7)
(E . 5)
(R . 8)
(S . 9))
If a particular crytparithmetic problem doesn't have a solution and you
try to apply stream-first
to the stream you'd get an exception saying
it expected a non-empty stream:
stream-first: contract violation
expected: (and/c stream? (not/c stream-empty?))
given: #<stream>
Note that it might take a while to get a solution because it searches
for a solution using a very large search tree. It returns immediately it finds a
solution, so you don't search the whole tree (that's why it uses a stream
So it depends of how far the solution is in the search tree.
If it so happens that a particular cryptarithmetic problem has more than
one solution, and you want to get all of them, you can use the function
from racket/stream
to do that. Note that this might
take a while, as it performs an exhaustive search.
In short (using Haskell):
solve = filter corect . generate
A solution is a finite mapping from letters to numbers.
is a function that lazily generates all posible combinations
of a solution. It uses an implicit DFS (depth first search) implemented with natural recursion.
takes a solution and 3 lists of letters (top row, bottom row, and result.)
It then checks to see if the top row and the bottom row add up to the result, using
the given solution.
just filters the stream of solutions using correct
as its predicate.
Here's correct
(define (correct table top bot sol)
(define (l->i letters) (letters->integer table letters))
(eqv? (+ (l->i top) (l->i bot))
(l->i sol)))
Here's generate
(define (generate rng letters)
(match letters
['() (stream empty)]
[(cons letter letters)
(for*/stream ([index rng]
[result (generate (remove index rng)
(cons (cons letter index)
Here's solve
(define (solve top bot sol)
(for*/stream ([letters (in-value (set->list (apply set (append top bot sol))))]
[solution (generate (range 0 10) letters)]
#:when (and (correct (make-immutable-hash solution) top bot sol)
(for/and ([l (for/list ([e (list top bot sol)])
(first e))])
(not (eqv? (dict-ref solution l) 0)))))
You can see the crypt.rkt
file for more details. It's
documented fairly well.