This is a quick implementation for the requirements in the hotel management dashboard challenge. I tried my best to cover all in the time I can have but there are more to improve. I took notes for a few of them which you can find below as well.
You can see it the implementation in the demo, live on or built locally with the initial instructions.
- Run `npm install` to install the dependencies.
- Run `npm run dev` to start the development server.
- Go to `http://localhost:5173` to view the application and the sample data.
First I tried to get an initial understanding of the dashboard design for hotel management needs. This could be the inspiration and starting point for better UI/UX improvements.
├─ components/
│ ├─ UI/
│ │ ├─ Card.tsx
│ ├─ Header.tsx
│ ├─ index.ts
├─ context/
├─ data/
├─ hooks/
│ ├─ useAppContext.tsx
├─ layouts/
│ ├─ MainLayout.tsx
├─ pages/
│ ├─ Dashboard/
│ │ ├─ components/
│ │ ├─ hooks/
│ │ │ ├─ useDashboard.ts
│ │ ├─ Dashboard.tsx
│ ├─ Cleaning/
├─ utils/
This is the high level code structure. I like keeping things encapsulated as much as possible, therefore having custom hooks help me to organize the code in a good way.
For ex, Dashboard.tsx
is responsible for the view and organizing the components, for whatever I need logically or as formatted data, I abstract it to its useDashbord.ts
hook and call the data/functions I need from this hook. It keeps everything separated meaningfully and easy to read hopefully.
Also pages can have their own components, if it is only used in this page I tried to keep it inside the page, only move it to global components if a reusable need arises. For ex, it happened with RoomsTable
since two places use it already.
Creating Layouts
is a great way to keep the page designs consistent in the whole dashboard flow.
These are the key points I can think of at the moment.
These are the notes for some improvement point that I've taken along the way of building the dashboard.
- Absolute import config for cleaner import statements
- Create a DataTable, and LineGraph reusable components getting data directly in props for consistency in future uses
- Add pagination to the table data for smooth loading experience
- Better UX/UI and performance improvements in general for the dashboard needs
- Thumbnail images for faster loads
- Permanent storage can be applied
- Add modal confirmation for removing
- Better navigation with sidebar menu
- Add tests ...
Since there is no limit for improving, there can be many addition/refactoring that could bring better user experience and performance.
Thank you.