A lightweight representation of the ascii table that makes it easy to convert to and fro character, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, HTML code, HTML name.
npm install --save ascii-map
const { char, dec, hex, oct, bin, htmlCode, htmlName } = require("ascii-map");
char("A") // { dec: "65", hex: "41", oct: "101", bin: "01000001", htmlCode: "A", htmlName: undefined, char: "A", desc: "Upper Case Letter A" }
dec("65").bin // 01000001
hex("41").oct // 101
oct("101").char // A
bin("01000001").htmlCode // A
htmlCode("A").desc // Upper Case Letter A
htmlName("$").dec // 36
char("AA") // undefined
- Characters without
. - Trying to read the properties of an undefined character throws
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
Table was derived from https://www.lookuptables.com/text/ascii-table