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Waku scratchings (#2053)
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* Add basic waku-helper functionality: read .env, perform_health_check

* Add RESTful capability to startup, example call

* Add subscribe_to_topics, debug capability

* Add publish_to_topic capability, add timestamp helpers

* Add get_new_messages_for_topic, format output nicely

* Add unsubscribe_from_topics, clean up a bit

* Tidy up
  • Loading branch information
egarson authored Mar 31, 2023
1 parent fb064dd commit 5c943ef
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# ! /usr/bin/env zsh
# Command-line utilities/helpers for WC2 development
# Source this file with `$ source ./`.
# Requirements:
# * You have `zsh` installed
# * Clone and build nwaku:
# * Add a .env file with a variable NWAKU_DIR set to your nwaku directory

_err() { # write a (loud) message to stderr, if running interacively
[[ -o interactive ]] && tput setaf 1
echo "$@" 1>&2

# Read env vars from .env into current session
_read_dot_env_file() {
[[ ! -f .env ]] && _err 'No .env file found' && return 1
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)

_DEBUG=1 # 0=on, !0=off # nb DEBUG printing sometimes causes a superfluous error to surface (in `gnm`)
_debugging() { (($_DEBUG == 0)); }

# Conveniently refresh current shell with any changes made to this file
_reload_waku_helpers() { source; }
alias rwh=_reload_waku_helpers

# Start nwaku locally, connect to two known peers on localhost, enable rest{,-admin,-private}.
# See:
start_waku_node() {
(($+NWAKU_DIR)) || { _err 'NWAKU_DIR variable not set in .env' && return 2 }
binary_not_found='build/wakunode2 not found (did you build?)' # Build it:
[[ ! -f $NWAKU_DIR/build/wakunode2 ]] && _err "${NWAKU_DIR}/${binary_not_found}" && return 3
$NWAKU_DIR/build/wakunode2 \
--staticnode:$node1 \
--staticnode:$node2 \
--rest=true --rest-admin=true --rest-private=true
alias swn=start_waku_node

# N.B. nwaku features both a JSON RPC api and a RESTful one; this calls JSON RPC
_call_json_rpc() {
(($# != 1)) && _err 'Usage: _call_json_rpc <payload>' && return 1
_debugging && echo $payload
# TODO Validate that localhost:8545 is an active TCP connection
curl -d $payload --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8545

# Timestamps figure prominently within the waku api, here are some helpers
date_to_unix() { date -d "$1" +%s ; } # `$ dtu "$(date)"` -> 1666373627
alias dtu=date_to_unix
unix_to_date() { date -d @$1; } # `$ utd 1666373627` # -> 2Fri Oct 21 10:33:47 AM PDT 2022
alias utd=unix_to_date

_make_payload() { echo "{ \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"id\",\"method\":\"$1\", \"params\":[${@:2}] }"; }

get_waku_debug_info() {
payload=$(_make_payload 'get_waku_v2_debug_v1_info')
_call_json_rpc $payload | jq
alias gwd=get_waku_debug_info

# RESTful alternative to the above JSON RPC. Seems tastier to me.
# See
get_waku_debug_info2() { curl http://localhost:8645/debug/v1/info -s | jq; }
alias gwd2=get_waku_debug_info2

# Subscribe to the given topic(s) [via JSON RPC].
# Pass multiple topics as a single arg: `subscribe_to_topic '"topic_1","topic_2"'`
subscribe_to_topics() {
(($# != 1)) && _err 'Usage: subscribe_to_topic '\''"t1","t2"'\''' && return 1
payload=$(_make_payload 'post_waku_v2_relay_v1_subscriptions' "[$@]")
_call_json_rpc $payload
alias stt=subscribe_to_topics
# eg subscribe_to_topics t3 and t4: `stt '"t3","t4"` # note the escaping!

# Publish a message to the given topic; `message` must be '{"payload:"0x...", "timestamp":1666373627}'
# The "timestamp" param is seconds since epoch, get it with `date_to_unix $(date)`
publish_to_topic() {
(($# != 2)) && _err 'Usage: publish_to_topic <topic> <payload>' && return 1
# TODO Validate the topic exists
# TODO Validate that message is enclosed {within curlies}
payload=$(_make_payload 'post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message' \"$topic\"\, $message)
_call_json_rpc $payload
alias ptt=publish_to_topic
# eg `ptt t3 '{"payload":"0x01", "timestamp":12345}'; ptt t3 '{"payload":"0x02", "timestamp":12346}'`

# Read new messages for the given topic. "Cannot iterate over null" means there are no new messages.
get_new_messages_for_topic() {
(($# != 1)) && _err 'Usage: get_new_messages_for_topic <topic>' && return 1
payload=$(_make_payload 'get_waku_v2_relay_v1_messages' \"$topic\")
result=$(_call_json_rpc $payload)
# TODO Format the error that comes back if not subscribed to the given topic
# TODO Fish for 'error' and print out the value if emitted
echo $result | jq -c '.result[]|{payload: .payload, timestamp: .timestamp}'
alias gnm=get_new_messages_for_topic
# eg `gnm t3`

# Unsubscribe from the given topic(s) [via JSON RPC].
# Pass multiple topics as a single arg: `unsubscribe_from_topics '"topic_1","topic_2"'`
unsubscribe_from_topics() {
(($# != 1)) && _err 'Usage: unsubscribe_from_topic '\''"t1","t2"'\''' && return 1
payload=$(_make_payload 'delete_waku_v2_relay_v1_subscriptions' "[$@]")
_call_json_rpc $payload
alias uft=unsubscribe_from_topics
# eg `uft '"t3"' # note the escaping!

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