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DGGAL docs

DGGAL, the Discrete Global Grid Abstraction Library

DGGAL provides a common interface to perform various operations on Discrete Global Grid Reference Systems (DGGRS), facilitating the implementation of Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS), including implementing Web APIs based on the OGC API - DGGS Standard.

Supported Discrete Global Grid Reference Systems

DGGAL currently supports all three DGGRS described in OGC API - DGGS Annex B:

  • GNOSIS Global Grid: An axis-aligned quad-tree defined in WGS84 latitude and longitude, with special handling of polar regions, corresponding to the OGC 2D Tile Matrix Set of the same name
  • ISEA3H: An equal area hexagonal grid with a refinement ratio of 3 defined in the Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area (ISEA) projection
  • ISEA9R: An equal area rhombic grid with a refinement ratio of 9 defined in the ISEA projection transformed into a 5x6 Cartesian space resulting in axis-aligned square zones

libDGGAL API Documentation

The DGGRS class provides most of the functionality of the library, allowing to resolve DGGRS zones by textual ID to a unique 64-bit zone integer identifier (DGGRSZone). The geometry and sub-zones of a particular zone can also be queried. The concept of sub-zones is key to encoding both vector and raster geospatial data quantized to a DGGRS. The DGGAL library also allows to resolve a sub-zone index at a particular depth from a parent zone, allowing to read DGGS-optimized data such as DGGS-JSON and DGGS-JSON-FG.

A very early draft of the API documentation can be found here.

While the library is written in the eC programming language, object-oriented bindings for C, C++ and Python generated using the Ecere SDK's bgen tool are provided. Support for additional languages may be added in the future.

Pre-built binaries

The pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows include the dgg utility (as both statically and dynamically linked binaries) as well as the DGGAL library (also as both a static and dynamic library).

The Ecere SDK should be installed to use the dynamically linked version.

Version 0.0.1 - build #42

Ecere SDK binaries (build 275)

The following recent pre-built binaries from the Ecere SDK can be installed to use the dynamically linked version:

The dynamic libraries are needed to build eC applications making use of the library, re-generate the bindings, generate the documentation, or to use the binaries or bindings built with a dependency on them.

cURL and/or OpenSSL (for Windows) dynamic libraries may also be required to be installed, as these are currently dependencies of libecere which includes HTTPS support.

A future version of the Ecere SDK will be better modularized so as to avoid these dependencies from the dynamic DGGAL library.

C Bindings

C bindings are available here.

A C example implementing the dgg info command using the DGGAL C bindings is available here.

C++ Bindings

C++ bindings (depending on the C bindings) are available here.

A C++ example implementing the dgg info command using the DGGAL C++ bindings is available here.

Python Bindings

Python bindings (depending on the C bindings) are available here.

A Python example using the DGGAL Python bindings is available here.

dgg tool


   dgg <dggrs> <command> [options] <arguments>

Supported DGGRSs

  • gnosis (Global Grid)
  • isea3h
  • isea9r


info [zone]

  • Display information about a DGGRS or about a zone of a DGGRS

zone <coord1,coord2> [level]

  • Return DGGRS zone at position -- specified in EPSG:4326 (lat,lon)

level [level]

  • Display information about a DGGRS refinement level

grid [level]

  • Generate DGGRS grid at specified refinement level (default: 0)

geom <zone>

  • Generate geometry for a particular zone

list [level]

  • List DGGRS zones (as JSON string array)

rel <zone 1> <zone 2>

  • Display information about the relationships between two zones of a DGGRS

sub <zone> [index]

  • List subzones of a DGGRS zone or resolve a sub-zone by index

index <parent zone> <sub-zone>

  • Display index of sub-zone within parent

compact <JSON input zone file (zone ID strings array)>

  • Compact input zone list

decompact <JSON input zone file (zone ID strings array)> [level]

  • Decompact zone list

togeo <DGGS-(UB)JSON(-FG) input file>

  • Convert DGGS-JSON (DGGS-quantized raster data) or DGGS-JSON-FG (DGGS-quantized vector data) to GeoJSON


-o <filename>

  • Output to file instead of standard output

-crs <crs>

  • Select an output coordinate reference system, one of: EPSG:4326, OGC:CRS84, ISEA, 5x6

-depth <relative depth>

  • For sub, specify relative depth Also to change depth considered for calculating optional [level] from -scale, -mpp and -pixels default: depth corresponding to ~64K sub-zones (ISEA: 5, ISEA3H: 10, GNOSIS: 8)

-bbox <llLat,llLon,urLat,urLon>

  • Specify extent for which to list zones, generate grid, or reference extent for -pixels example: -bbox 60,-120,62,-118 -- specified in EPSG:4326 (lat,lon)


  • For sub, list centroids instead of sub-zone identifiers For togeo, use centroid points for geometry instead of polygons


  • For list and grid, return compact list of zones

-mpp <physical meters per sub-zone>

  • Specify physical meters per sub-zone as substitute for optional [level] arguments

-scale-denom <scale denominator>

  • Specify scale-denominator as substitute for optional [level] arguments (based on -depth)

-pixels <with,height>

  • Specify display pixels as a substitute for optional [level] argument (in combination with -bbox)

-display-res <mm-per-pixels>

  • Specify display resolution in millimeters/pixel in combination with -scale and -pixels (default: 0.28)

Example Usage


Information about a particular DGGRS
> dgg isea3h info
Refinement Ratio: 3
Maximum level for 64-bit global identifiers (DGGAL DGGRSZone): 33
Default ~64K sub-zones relative depth: 10
Information about a particular zone
> dgg isea3h info A4-0-A
Textual Zone ID: A4-0-A
64-bit integer ID: 72057594037927936 (0x100000000000000)

Level 0 zone (5 edges, centroid child)
42505468477007.4 m² (42505468.4770074 km²)
49411 sub-zones at depth 10
WGS84 Centroid (lat, lon): 0, -20.517474411461
WGS84 Extent (lat, lon): { -35.385453143805, -57.894842551487 }, { 35.3854531438384, 11.2 }

No parent

Children (6):
   A4-0-D (centroid)

Neighbors (5):
   (direction 2): A2-0-A
   (direction 3): A6-0-A
   (direction 0): A0-0-B
   (direction 6): A3-0-A
   (direction 7): A5-0-A

[EPSG:4326] Vertices (5):
   20.9908533396875, 11.2
   -20.9908533396875, 11.2
   -35.385453143805, -33.7999999994894
   0.0000000010850795, -57.894842551487
   35.3854531438384, -33.8000000009355


Identify zone at a particular geodetic position.

> dgg isea3h zone 34,-70
Textual Zone ID: A2-0-A
64-bit integer ID: 36028797018963968 (0x80000000000000)

Level 0 zone (5 edges, centroid child)
42505468477007.4 m² (42505468.4770074 km²)
49411 sub-zones at depth 10
WGS84 Centroid (lat, lon): 31.832359041336, -78.8
WGS84 Extent (lat, lon): { 0.00000000095824612, -123.799999999422 }, { 69.1802100999282, -33.8000000009355 }

No parent

Children (6):
   A2-0-D (centroid)

Neighbors (5):
   (direction 2): A0-0-A
   (direction 3): A4-0-A
   (direction 0): A0-0-B
   (direction 6): A1-0-A
   (direction 7): A3-0-A

[EPSG:4326] Vertices (5):
   35.3854531438384, -33.8000000009355
   0.0000000010850795, -57.894842551487
   0.00000000095824612, -99.7051574473385
   35.3854531459823, -123.799999999422
   69.1802100999282, -78.8000000030274


Information about levels of a particular DGGRS
> dgg isea3h level
Assuming sub-zone depth of 10 and display resolution of 0.28 mm/pixel:
Level       Reference Area                             Sub-zones count        Sub-zone area                                                 Scale                   Meters/Sub-zone
 0: 42505468477007.39843750 m² (42505468.47700740 km²)          49411          860243032.46255684 m² (     8602430324625.56933594 cm²)   1:   104965840      29390.43523832 m (   2939043.52383217 cm)
 1: 15939550678877.77343750 m² (15939550.67887777 km²)          59293          268826854.41582942 m² (     2688268544158.29394531 cm²)   1:    60602124      16968.59485403 m (   1696859.48540341 cm)
 2:  5544191540479.22558594 m² ( 5544191.54047923 km²)          59293           93504992.84028849 m² (      935049928402.88488770 cm²)   1:    34988666       9796.82649363 m (    979682.64936343 cm)
 3:  1875241256338.56152344 m² ( 1875241.25633856 km²)          59293           31626688.75480346 m² (      316266887548.03460693 cm²)   1:    20200718       5656.20112285 m (    565620.11228463 cm)
 4:   628159632665.13391113 m² (  628159.63266513 km²)          59293           10594161.75037751 m² (      105941617503.77513123 cm²)   1:    11662891       3265.60937742 m (    326560.93774175 cm)
 5:   209730929985.23385620 m² (  209730.92998523 km²)          59293            3537195.45283986 m² (       35371954528.39860535 cm²)   1:     6733573       1885.40047940 m (    188540.04793995 cm)
 6:    69948659040.60459900 m² (   69948.65904060 km²)          59293            1179711.92283414 m² (       11797119228.34138870 cm²)   1:     3887630       1088.53647937 m (    108853.64793690 cm)
 7:    23320483802.30837250 m² (   23320.48380231 km²)          59293             393309.22372470 m² (        3933092237.24695539 cm²)   1:     2244524        628.46683036 m (     62846.68303597 cm)
 8:     7773968507.65239239 m² (    7773.96850765 km²)          59293             131111.06720275 m² (        1311110672.02745557 cm²)   1:     1295877        362.84549387 m (     36284.54938723 cm)
 9:     2591375496.48476219 m² (    2591.37549648 km²)          59293              43704.57720953 m² (         437045772.09531683 cm²)   1:      748175        209.48894360 m (     20948.89435974 cm)
10:      863797683.49797928 m² (     863.79768350 km²)          59293              14568.29108829 m² (         145682910.88290006 cm²)   1:      431959        120.94849799 m (     12094.84979852 cm)
11:      287933211.32035321 m² (     287.93321132 km²)          59293               4856.10799454 m² (          48561079.94541568 cm²)   1:      249392         69.82964787 m (      6982.96478712 cm)
12:       95977809.34637524 m² (      95.97780935 km²)          59293               1618.70388320 m² (          16187038.83196587 cm²)   1:      143986         40.31616600 m (      4031.61659961 cm)
13:       31992611.14208768 m² (      31.99261114 km²)          59293                539.56809644 m² (           5395680.96437820 cm²)   1:       83131         23.27654929 m (      2327.65492906 cm)
14:       10664204.60587722 m² (      10.66420461 km²)          59293                179.85604719 m² (           1798560.47187311 cm²)   1:       47995         13.43872200 m (      1343.87219987 cm)
15:        3554734.96771997 m² (       3.55473497 km²)          59293                 59.95201740 m² (            599520.17400367 cm²)   1:       27710          7.75884976 m (       775.88497635 cm)
16:        1184911.66691713 m² (       1.18491167 km²)          59293                 19.98400599 m² (            199840.05985818 cm²)   1:       15998          4.47957400 m (       447.95739996 cm)
17:         394970.55686243 m² (       0.39497056 km²)          59293                  6.66133535 m² (             66613.35349239 cm²)   1:        9237          2.58628325 m (       258.62832545 cm)
18:         131656.85242341 m² (       0.13165685 km²)          59293                  2.22044512 m² (             22204.45118706 cm²)   1:        5333          1.49319133 m (       149.31913332 cm)
19:          43885.61748957 m² (       0.04388562 km²)          59293                  0.74014837 m² (              7401.48373157 cm²)   1:        3079          0.86209442 m (        86.20944182 cm)
20:          14628.53916487 m² (       0.01462854 km²)          59293                  0.24671612 m² (              2467.16124414 cm²)   1:        1778          0.49773044 m (        49.77304444 cm)
21:           4876.17972181 m² (       0.00487618 km²)          59293                  0.08223871 m² (               822.38708141 cm²)   1:        1026          0.28736481 m (        28.73648061 cm)
22:           1625.39324062 m² (       0.00162539 km²)          59293                  0.02741290 m² (               274.12902714 cm²)   1:         593          0.16591015 m (        16.59101481 cm)
23:            541.79774688 m² (       0.00054180 km²)          59293                  0.00913763 m² (                91.37634238 cm²)   1:         342          0.09578827 m (         9.57882687 cm)
24:            180.59924896 m² (       0.00018060 km²)          59293                  0.00304588 m² (                30.45878079 cm²)   1:         129          0.03620456 m (         3.62045625 cm)
25:             60.19974965 m² (       0.00006020 km²)          59293                  0.00101529 m² (                10.15292693 cm²)   1:          95          0.02656689 m (         2.65668857 cm)
26:             20.06658322 m² (       0.00002007 km²)          59293                  0.00033843 m² (                 3.38430898 cm²)   1:          56          0.01574749 m (         1.57474944 cm)
27:              6.68886107 m² (       0.00000669 km²)          59293                  0.00011281 m² (                 1.12810299 cm²)   1:          36          0.01004134 m (         1.00413390 cm)
28:              2.22962036 m² (       0.00000223 km²)          59293                  0.00003760 m² (                 0.37603433 cm²)   1:          21          0.00581872 m (         0.58187229 cm)
29:              0.74320679 m² (       0.00000074 km²)          59293                  0.00001253 m² (                 0.12534478 cm²)   1:          12          0.00348148 m (         0.34814838 cm)
30:              0.24773560 m² (       0.00000025 km²)          59293                  0.00000418 m² (                 0.04178159 cm²)   1:           7          0.00201092 m (         0.20109213 cm)
31:              0.08257853 m² (       0.00000008 km²)          59293                  0.00000139 m² (                 0.01392720 cm²)   1:           4          0.00117525 m (         0.11752498 cm)
32:              0.02752618 m² (       0.00000003 km²)          59293                  0.00000046 m² (                 0.00464240 cm²)   1:           2          0.00067856 m (         0.06785649 cm)
33:              0.00917539 m² (       0.00000001 km²)          59293                  0.00000015 m² (                 0.00154747 cm²)   1:           1          0.00039338 m (         0.03933785 cm)
Information about a particular DGGRS level
>  dgg isea3h level 15
Refinement Level: 15
Reference area: 3554734.96771997 m² (3.55473496771997 km²)

Assuming sub-zone depth of 10 (59293 sub-zones) and display resolution of 0.28 mm/pixel:
   Sub-zones area: 59.9520174003672 m² (599520.174003672 cm²)
   Cartographic scale: 1:27710
   Physical meters/sub-zone: 7.75884976353492 (775.884976353492 cm/sub-zone)


Generate grid geometry for a particular refinement level

Output is GeoJSON:

> dgg isea3h -crs isea grid 3 > isea3h-level3-isea.geojson


> dgg isea3h grid 3 > isea3h-level3-crs84.geojson


Generate grid geometry for a given bounding box using compacted zones
> dgg isea3h grid 15 -compact -bbox 44,-76,46,-74



Generate geometry of a specific zone

> dgg isea3h geom A4-0-A
   "type" : "Feature",
   "id" : "A4-0-A",
   "geometry" : {
      "type" : "Polygon",
      "coordinates" : [
         [ [11.2, 20.9908533396875], [11.2, 18.9046368254835], [11.2, 16.817317021754], [11.2, 14.7282441160477], [11.2, 12.6367658994772], [11.2, 10.5422256002322], [11.2, 8.44395966388283], [11.2, 6.3412954618102], [11.2, 4.2335489079295], [11.2, 2.12002196235325], [11.2, -0.00000000000000958], [11.2, -2.12002196235327], [11.2, -4.2335489079295], [11.2, -6.34129546181022], [11.2, -8.44395966388284], [11.2, -10.5422256002322], [11.2, -12.6367658994773], [11.2, -14.7282441160477], [11.2, -16.817317021754], [11.2, -18.9046368254835], [11.2, -20.9908533396875], [9.25904611568614, -22.022704447347], [7.2894978850024, -23.0315860032884], [5.2895073521231, -24.0162595826945], [3.2572732870332, -24.9754140020123], [1.19105174674043, -25.907662551343], [-0.910831437312103, -26.8115406666264], [-3.04996620024865, -27.6855041419538], [-5.22784181139874, -28.5279279934546], [-7.44582852527487, -29.3371060956138], [-9.70515744760715, -30.111251717508], [-11.9990182364648, -30.8460627665615], [-14.3199274459944, -31.5377272377057], [-16.6678118661126, -32.1851262644314], [-19.0423550054196, -32.7871381036537], [-21.4429904142008, -33.3426478478608], [-23.868897601607, -33.8505577351568], [-26.319001132268, -34.3097979200868], [-28.791973441741, -34.7193375329077], [-31.2862418322802, -35.0781958218138], [-33.7999999994894, -35.385453143805], [-35.328584064796, -33.7294909375037], [-36.7997931901407, -32.0544538235723], [-38.2190895198383, -30.3615150627895], [-39.591520816704, -28.651669714028], [-40.9217621171856, -26.9257555850354], [-42.2141557503646, -25.184471421695], [-43.4727493595782, -23.4283926793226], [-44.7013318005733, -21.6579851878463], [-45.9034669523704, -19.8736169902905], [-47.0825255880168, -18.075568603016], [-48.2378134716698, -16.2702095110336], [-49.3687568644497, -14.463940351611], [-50.4786064975358, -12.656986739445], [-51.5704092970534, -10.8495265877445], [-52.647041014988, -9.04169850753405], [-53.7112358369818, -7.23360915100237], [-54.765613515085, -5.42533970970474], [-55.8127045186767, -3.61695174870332], [-56.8549736519885, -1.80849253470827], [-57.894842551487, 0.0000000010850795], [-56.8549736519113, 1.80849253683432], [-55.8127045185966, 3.61695175082982], [-54.7656135150002, 5.425339711832], [-53.7112358368904, 7.2336091531306], [-52.6470410148878, 9.04169850966353], [-51.5704092969423, 10.8495265898755], [-50.4786064974117, 12.6569867415778], [-49.36875686431, 14.4639403537457], [-48.237813471512, 16.2702095131705], [-47.082525588539, 18.0755686040723], [-45.9034669536086, 19.873616990275], [-44.7013318018277, 21.6579851878424], [-43.47274936085, 23.428392679331], [-42.214155751655, 25.1844714217162], [-40.9217621184958, 26.9257555850703], [-39.5915208180354, 28.651669714077], [-38.219089521192, 30.3615150628536], [-36.799793191518, 32.0544538236523], [-35.328584066198, 33.7294909376005], [-33.8000000009355, 35.3854531438384], [-31.2862418337828, 35.0781958220137], [-28.7919734432313, 34.7193375331383], [-26.3190011337452, 34.3097979203474], [-23.86889760307, 33.850557735447], [-21.442990415649, 33.34264784818], [-19.0423550068522, 32.787138104001], [-16.6678118675294, 32.1851262648063], [-14.319927447395, 31.5377272381076], [-11.9990182378492, 30.8460627669896], [-9.70515744897538, 30.1112517179616], [-9.7051574476072, 30.1112517175078], [-7.44582852527492, 29.3371060956137], [-5.2278418113988, 28.5279279934545], [-3.0499662002487, 27.6855041419537], [-0.91083143731212, 26.8115406666263], [1.1910517467404, 25.907662551343], [3.2572732870332, 24.9754140020123], [5.289507352124, 24.0162595826945], [7.28949788500238, 23.0315860032884], [9.259046115687, 22.022704447347], [11.2, 20.9908533396875] ]
   "properties" : {
     "zoneID" : "A4-0-A"
> dgg -crs isea isea3h geom A4-0-A



List zones of a given refinement level
> dgg isea3h list 0
[ "A0-0-A", "A0-0-B", "A1-0-A", "A2-0-A", "A3-0-A", "A4-0-A", "A5-0-A",
"A6-0-A", "A7-0-A", "A8-0-A", "A9-0-A", "A9-0-C" ]
List compacted zones of a given refinement level for a particular bounding box
> dgg isea3h list 10 -compact -bbox 44,-76,46,-74
[ "E0-1397-A", "F0-AAC7-A", "F0-ABB7-A", "F0-ABB8-A", "F0-ABB9-A", "F0-ABBA-A",
"F0-ABBB-A", "F0-ACA9-A", "F0-ACAA-A", "F0-ACAB-A", "F0-ACAC-A", "F0-ACAD-A",
"F0-ACAE-A", "F0-AD9D-A", "F0-AD9E-A", "F0-ADA1-A", "F0-ADA2-A", "F0-AE91-A",
"F0-AE95-A", "F0-AF84-A", "F0-AF85-A", "F0-AF88-A", "F0-AF89-A", "F0-B078-A",
"F0-B079-A", "F0-B07A-A", "F0-B07B-A", "F0-B07C-A", "F0-B16B-A", "F0-B16C-A",
"F0-B16D-A", "F0-B16E-A", "F0-B16F-A", "F0-B170-A", "F0-B25F-A", "F0-B260-A",
"F0-B261-A", "F0-B262-A", "F0-B263-A", "F0-B352-A", "F0-B353-A", "F0-B354-A",
"F0-B355-A", "F0-B356-A", "F0-B357-A", "F0-B446-A", "F0-B447-A", "F0-B448-A" ]


Show relationships between two zones

> dgg isea3h rel A4-0-A D4-20-F
Relationships between zones A4-0-A (A) and D4-20-F (B):

Zone A is coarser than zone B by 7 refinement levels
The area of zone A is greater than the area of zone B (area of B is 0.054869684499314 % of zone A)
Zone A is NOT an immediate child of zone B
Zone A is NOT an immediate parent of zone B
Zone A is NOT a descendant of zone B
Zone A is an ancestor of zone B
Zone A is NOT a sub-zone of zone B
Zone A has B as a sub-zone (at depth 7, index 1034)
These zones are NOT neighbors
These zones are NOT siblings
Zone A is NOT contained in zone B
Zone A contains zone B
Zone A and B overlap


Query sub-zones of parent zone at a particular relative depth
> dgg isea3h sub A4-0-A -depth 3
[ "B2-7-D", "B2-4-F", "B2-4-E", "B2-5-D", "B2-7-F", "B2-7-E", "B2-8-D",
"B2-5-F", "B2-5-E", "B3-1-E", "B3-2-D", "B2-8-F", "B2-8-E", "B4-1-D",
"B4-1-E", "B3-5-D", "B3-2-F", "B3-2-E", "B4-0-D", "B4-0-E", "B4-1-F",
"B4-5-D", "B3-5-E", "B4-3-D", "B4-0-F", "B4-4-D", "B4-4-E", "B4-3-F",
"B4-3-E", "B4-4-F", "B4-7-D" ]
Identify sub-zone of parent zone at a particular relative depth and index
> dgg isea3h sub A4-0-A 8 -depth 3


Query index of sub-zone
> dgg isea3h index A4-0-A B2-5-E
B2-5-E is at index 8 of A4-0-A at depth 3
> dgg isea3h index A4-0-A B6-5-E
sub-zone B6-5-E not found within parent A4-0-A


Converts DGGS-JSON (and eventually DGGS-JSON-FG and UBJSON variants) to GeoJSON to facilitate interoperability with traditional GIS software / software not aware of the DGGRS.

> dgg isea3h togeo -isea G7-67252-D-B08.json


B08 (near-infrared) band retrieved as DGGS-JSON data from Copernicus/ESA sentinel-2 converted to GeoJSON and visualized in QGIS