The moban repository is made for pyecharts pypkg extension developers
All you need to do is:
git clone
export YEHUA_FILE=/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/pypkg-mobans/yehua.yml
pip install yehua
Lastly, go to a work folder and type in and take echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg as an example:
$ yh
Yehua will walk you through creating a pyecharts pypkg package.
Press ^C to quit at any time.
project name: echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg
npm project name: echarts-united-kingdom-js
description: pyecharts map extension - united kingdom maps - python package
license: MIT
author: C.W.
contact email:
github profile/organisation: chfw
copyright owner: C.W.
You will be shown what happens next. Since it will dump a lot text, let me bring the last step forward here. When the command finishes, you should do:
git submodule add echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg/resources
This is what happens automatically next:
Cloning into 'mobans'...
remote: Counting objects: 214, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 214 (delta 8), reused 12 (delta 5), pack-reused 198
Receiving objects: 100% (214/214), 30.31 KiB | 17.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (126/126), done.
Templating CUSTOM_README.rst.jj2 to README.rst
Templating to
Templating requirements.txt.jj2 to requirements.txt
Templating tests/custom_requirements.txt.jj2 to tests/requirements.txt
Templating docs/source/ to docs/source/
Templating test.script.jj2 to
Templating to echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg/
Templating gitignore.jj2 to .gitignore
Templating travis.yml.jj2 to .travis.yml
Templated 9 files.
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg/.git/
Please review changes before commit!
All is done. Let's see what was the output:
pyecharts-host:tmp chfw$ cd echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg/
pyecharts-host:echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg chfw$ ls
CHANGELOG.rst README.rst echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg setup.cfg tests docs mobans
Makefile echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg.yml requirements.txt
And let's see what was ready for commit:
pyecharts-host:echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg chfw$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: .gitignore
new file: .moban.d/CUSTOM_README.rst.jj2
new file: .moban.d/
new file: .moban.d/tests/custom_requirements.txt.jj2
new file: .moban.yml
new file: .travis.yml
new file: CHANGELOG.rst
new file:
new file: Makefile
new file: README.rst
new file: docs/source/
new file: echarts-united-kingdom-pypkg.yml
new file: echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg/
new file: echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg/
new file: requirements.txt
new file: setup.cfg
new file:
new file:
new file: tests/requirements.txt
new file: tests/
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
What about unit test?
$ make
Name Stmts Miss Cover
-------------------------------------------------------------- 8 0 100%
echarts_united_kingdom_pypkg/ 2 0 100%
TOTAL 10 0 100%
Ran 1 test in 0.003s