v7 finishes off the front end , some bug fixes, enhancements for barchart
v0.6 Rename + web client - ssm and nssm were taken on npm so I've renamed to nodesysmon - this means the git url has changed so you'll need to update url for existing clones. git@github.com:echo-dave/nodesysmon.git
Monitoring realtime CPU, Memory, and process list sorted by cpu / mem
- Server mode for collecting data and sending to db
- local only mode for monitoring current system
- client cli for monitoring via database
- client web monitoring via the server
- Mobile friendly
- Realtime monitoring
- Historical monitoring cpu / mem
- Process Chart to have see what's using resources
- Server switch if you install on more than one server via the same database
- Clicking bar chart bars opens up all logged info for the process: clicking values will copy to clipboard
- node from your package manager of choice.
- MongoDB v6+
- Mac or Linux server (untested on Windows but expect issues)
clone repo to a web directory: /var/www on linux usually
npm i
npm link #optional for easier access - see Running below
You will need to create a new file .env
in the base folder and add some MongoDB info:
MONGO_URI=<paste connection string>
MONGO_DB=<name of database you created>
nssmCollection=<name your collection>
Running the server should setup the collection if it doesn't already exist and add the indexes
if linked:
nodesysmon -s mem=.5 cpu=.8
./nodesysmon.js -s mem=.0 cpu=0
zeroing the thresholds means it will continuously monitor and log processes vs setting a higher threshold to reduce server / db load. Defualt thresholds are set to .5 (50% useage) It should really be setup in a daemon for the server running. #running as a daemon
Other options:
-l for local monitoring no logging
-c for cli client reading straigt off the db
./nodesysmon will output help info with no / bad input
connecting via web browser
- Express
- Chalk for coloring headers, hostname, alerts
- Mongodb for database
- dotenv for Mongodb things
- inquirer for cli prompt for picking which host to monitor
- Sveltekit for the front end web client
- Socketio connecting server and client for realtime data
- ChartsJS
- The metrics at the top of the screen that continuously monitor cpu and ram is all pulled through native node api.
- The process list is being pull through bash scripts that do a ps | head | awk that gats parsed out and formatted in node. I suspect ps will be a problem on windows and may need something using taskList? instead from some reading.
- The 2 sets of metrics are displayed separately but combined into a single object for Mongo.
- Mongo collection has a TTL index that expires data after 3 days (can be adjusted based on feedback).
This is a basic version for linux servers
First we need a service file to for system to to use
sudo touch /lib/systemd/system/nodesysmon.service
Then we need to put together the basics
- Pick a port that's available on your server
- Set the threshold values as desired
ExecStart=nodesysmon mem=0 cpu=0
Last we need to tell systemd to actually enable the service
sudo systemctl enable nodesysmon.service