The Eclipse Apoapsis project's ORT Server is a standalone application to deploy the OSS Review Toolkit as a service in the cloud.
This project is currently in the incubation phase at the Eclipse Foundation and working towards making the first release. Once released, the project will use semantic versioning, until then breaking changes can occur at any time.
To communicate with the developers, you can:
- Join the Matrix chat.
- Start a GitHub discussion.
- Join the mailing list.
Please report any issues to the issue tracker.
Contributions are welcome, please see the contributing guide for more information.
The easiest way to run the ORT Server for testing is to use Docker Compose. For a proper deployment to Kubernetes, the project will later provide a Helm chart.
Do not use the Docker Compose setup in production as it uses multiple insecure defaults, like providing Keycloak without TLS.
To start the ORT Server with the required third-party services run:
docker compose up
Once the services are up and running, you can access the ORT Server UI at http://localhost:8082.
See the documentation for detailed instructions, for example, to run Docker Compose with local images.
To publish the Docker images to a registry, first build the worker base images as described in the
Then you can use the jib
task to publish the images by setting the correct prefix for the registry.
You can also configure the tag which defaults to latest
# Publish all Docker images.
./gradlew -PdockerImagePrefix=my.registry/ jib
# Publish one specific image.
./gradlew -PdockerImagePrefix=my.registry/ :core:jib
# Publish using a custom tag.
./gradlew -PdockerImagePrefix=my.registry/ -PdockerImageTag=custom jib
The OpenAPI specification can be generated by running this Gradle task:
./gradlew :core:generateOpenApiSpec
The task writes the specification to ui/build/openapi.json
See the NOTICE file in the root of this project for the copyright details.
See the LICENSE file in the root of this project for license details.